
  • 网络Google Tax;taxe Google
  1. 虽然他没有指名道姓,但英国媒体很快就将这一举措戏称为“谷歌税”。

    Though he didn 't name names , the British press quickly dubbed3 the measure the " Google tax " .

  2. 这项税收被普遍称作谷歌税(Googletax),奥斯本认为开征该税将打击全球一些利用复杂结构避税的大型企业(包括科技企业)。

    The move , widely dubbed the Google tax , was described by Mr Osborne as a crackdown on some of the largest companies in the world , including those in the tech sector , [ that ] use elaborate structures to avoid paying taxes .

  3. 当英国政府决定打击跨国公司涉嫌的逃税行为,并将新措施戏称为谷歌税时,谷歌的高管都震惊了。

    Company executives were aghast when the British government decided to crack down on alleged tax avoidance by multinationals and the new measures were dubbed the Google tax .

  4. 当英国政府决定打击跨国公司涉嫌的逃税行为,并将新措施戏称为“谷歌税”时,谷歌的高管都震惊了。

    Company executives were aghast when the British government decided to crack down on alleged tax avoidance by multinationals and the new measures were dubbed the " Google tax . "