
ɡōnɡ zī shuì
  • payroll tax
  1. 无故拖延的确是一条延长假期工资税:失业保险的合理办法,这的确拖延了长期失业税和许多其他税。

    Still missing is a path to extend the payroll tax holiday : unemployment insurance for the long-term unemployed and a number of other year-end fixes .

  2. 这大概相当于上个月工资税临时减免到期带来的影响这个影响可能在这个季度才能感受到。

    This would be roughly equivalent to the expiry of the payroll tax holiday last month , whose impact will only be felt in this quarter .

  3. 今年首季的GDP增长将相当疲弱,因为工资税削减措施失效了。

    First-quarter GDP growth is going to be pretty weak because of the expiry of the payroll tax cut .

  4. 据npr布莱恩?奈勒报道,1.16亿美国人大约在明年2月前将会继续享受工资税减免的假期和失业救济的福利。

    As NPR Brian Naylor reports , some 116 million Americans will continue getting a break on their taxes and unemployment benefits will continue through February .

  5. 即使对乘数效应给予保守估计,综合运用削减工资税、维持对失业工人的支持、加速基础设施维护等措施,可能会在未来一年半里使gdp增长提高2%。

    With even very conservative estimates of multiplier effects , a combination of continuing payroll tax cuts , maintaining support for unemployed workers and accelerating infrastructure maintenance could add closer to 2 per cent of GDP growth over the next year and a half .

  6. 由于工资税减免政策和延长的失业补贴将于12月份终止,明年美国的财政收缩将达到GDP的约2%,高于任何大型经济体,且足以将低迷的经济拖入衰退的深渊。

    Thanks to the expiry of a payroll-tax credit and extended jobless benefits in December , the United States is on course for a fiscal contraction of some 2 % of GDP next year , the biggest of any large economy - and enough to drag a weak economy into recession .

  7. 现在的工资税削减已经延长2个月。

    The payroll tax cut is now extended for 2 months .

  8. 美国应当削减工资税,尤其是针对低收入劳动者的工资税。

    Payroll taxes should be reduced , especially for low-income workers .

  9. 他们同时也请求政府减少工资税。

    They are also pleading with governments to cut payroll taxes .

  10. 巴菲特表示他的总收入里15300美元为工资税。

    Buffett said he paid $ 15,300 in payroll taxes .

  11. 调低工资税会增加家庭收入,刺激支出。

    A payroll tax cut would put income into households and boost spending .

  12. 工资税和财政赤字已双双增加。

    Both payroll taxes and fiscal deficits have increased .

  13. 美国医疗保险制度系统增加了工资税,不过起初只是很少量地。

    The Medicare system increased the payroll tax , but only modestly at first .

  14. 去年12月23日,延长工资税消减法案得以通过,连一次唱名表决都没有。

    The measure passed on December 23rd without so much as a roll-call vote .

  15. 大家的感觉都是,我们刚刚被征收2%的工资税。

    The feeling from everyone was – we just got a 2 per cent tax .

  16. 事实上,我想延长降低工薪家庭工资税的期限。

    In fact , I want to extend the payroll tax cut for working families .

  17. 该计划也将延长失业津贴以及减少工资税一年。

    The plan would also extend unemployment benefits and cut payroll taxes for a year .

  18. 另外有人指出,他们都是大型用人单位,且是工资税的缴税大户。

    Others point out that they are big employers and contribute a lot in payroll taxes .

  19. 实际上,80%的美国人支付的工资税高于所得税。

    In fact , 80 per cent of Americans pay more in payroll taxes than income taxes .

  20. 医疗改革的介入可能会影响招聘决策,再度征收工资税可能也会影响招聘决策。

    Anticipation of health care reform may impact hiring decisions , and the reemergence of payroll taxes may also .

  21. 该议案还包括延长长期失业者的失业福利,并把工资税削减2%。

    The measure also extends jobless benefits for the long-term unemployed and imposes a2 percent cut in payroll taxes .

  22. 政府也应当调动手中一切财政自由空间来推动就业,比如降低工资税。

    Governments should also use whatever fiscal leeway they have to boost employment , for example by cutting payroll taxes .

  23. 刺激计划不但应该继续实施,而且还应该扩大在向雇员提供工资税削减的同时,也要向雇主提供。

    Stimulus should be continued and indeed expanded by providing the payroll tax cut to employers as well as employees .

  24. 政府还应采取进一步措施,削减新招聘员工的雇主所需缴纳的工资税,包括新企业的招聘。

    It should go further and cut payroll taxes for employers on all new hires , including hires by new businesses .

  25. 2010年工资税优惠和奖金应税额折减,应该与紧急失业保险及其他即将到期的措施一起延期。

    The 2010 payroll tax cut and bonus depreciation should be extended together with emergency unemployment insurance and other expiring provisions .

  26. 若将放弃的工资税和可退税收抵免的现金支出包括在内,这一数字将攀升至1.3兆美元。

    The figure climbs to $ 1.3 trillion when forgone payroll taxes and the cash outlays for refundable credits are included .

  27. 在缴纳了她的工资税和三个孩女的保姆费后,我们可能还要倒贴。

    After paying taxes on her wages and child care for three children , we wouldn 't have come out ahead .

  28. 三月份的报告充分考虑了工资税和联邦预算削减的因素,即全面减支计划的影响。

    March 's report now fully takes into account higher payroll taxes and the federal budget cuts , known as the sequester .

  29. 但奥巴马有关延长工资税减免和失业津贴期限的提案,运气可能会好一些。

    Mr Obama may have more luck with his proposals to extend a partial holiday on payroll taxes and prolong unemployment benefits .

  30. 目前相关的工资税应税上限是收入的86%,这个比例应该增加到90%。

    The ceiling on the related payroll tax should be increased to cover 90 % of earnings , from 86 % now .