
ɡuó nèi shuì
  • internal tax;excise;inland duty
  1. 《TRIMs协议》中的国内税问题研究

    A Research on the Domestic Tax in the TRIMS Agreement

  2. 只有准确理解GATT国内税国民待遇条款的实际含义,才能正确把握《TRIMs协议》所禁止的投资措施所明确的范围。

    Only understanding the real meaning in the GATT , can you practice the investment measures which forbid in the TRIMS Agreement .

  3. 《TRIMs协议》所禁止的投资措施的实质要件违反了GATT1994第3条的国民待遇义务。GATT第3条第2款是关于国内税国民待遇的有关规定。

    The crux of the investment measures forbidden in the TRIMS Agreement violates the treatment of the people that lists in the 3 article of GATT 1994.Article 3 Section 2 of the GATT is about the treatment on domestic taxation for her people .

  4. 石油国内税的价格效应&基于垂直市场结构的研究

    Price Effect of Domestic Oil Tax : A Study based on Vertically-related Markets

  5. 汽车的国内税很高。

    Cars are subject to a high domestic tox .

  6. 买车要交很高的国内税。

    Cars are subject to a high domestic tax .

  7. 十三、出口产品的关税和国内税退税

    Xiii . tax and tariff refund for export products

  8. 增值税和其他国内税的非歧视实施被认为是必需的。

    Non-discriminatory application of the VAT and other internal taxes was deemed essential .

  9. 国内税退税,税务部门。

    And for tax refund , taxation authorities .

  10. 国内税的关税替代效应分析

    The Effect of Substitute Domestic Tax for Tariff

  11. 印花税署〔税务局〕国内税退税,税务部门。

    Stamp Office [ Inland Revenue Department ] and for tax refund , taxation authorities .

  12. 国内税对进口产品的适用

    Application of Internal Taxes to Imports 19

  13. 关税、对提供的服务收取的规费和费用、对出口产品征收的国内税

    Customs Tariffs , Fees and Charges for Services Rendered , Application of Internal Taxes to Exports 31

  14. 欧盟储蓄税指令于2005年7月正式生效,它要求欧盟各国对欧盟公民所持的离岸储蓄征收国内税。

    The directive , which became law in July 2005 , requires countries to subject offshore savings held by EU citizens to domestic taxes .

  15. (ⅳ)在进口国因进口或销售货物而应付的关税和其他国内税;

    ( iv ) the customs duties and other national taxes payable in the country of importation by reason of the importation or sale of the goods .

  16. 欧盟税务官员昨日首次讨论了一项将欧盟储蓄税指令扩展至亚洲的提议。此项指令要求欧盟各国对欧盟公民的离岸储蓄征收国内税。

    European tax officials yesterday held their first discussions on a proposal to extend to Asia the EU savings directive , which requires countries to subject offshore savings held by EU citizens to withholding taxes .

  17. 没有关税应该增加国内增值税。

    No Customs duty should be imposed on domestic value added .

  18. 约旦的自由贸易区免收进口税、国内货物税及其它一切税收。

    Jordan 's free trade zone free of import duty , excise tax and all other taxes .

  19. 国内消费税预测

    Domestic Consumption Tax Forecast

  20. 第4章探讨商品税的国际协调问题,包括关税和国内商品税的协调。提出关税政策协调的理论依据及其现实制约因素。

    Chapter IV examines the international harmonization in the field of commodity tax , including tariff and internal commodity tax .

  21. 在布隆迪,八月份支付的预算支持资金支持了中止对13种基本食品项目征收的海关关税和国内交易税。

    In Burundi , budget support disbursed in August supported suspension of custom duties and domestic transaction taxes on13 basic food items .

  22. 随着经济的发展和经济研究的深入,税收预测的作用越来越重,国内消费税预测已成为一项重要研究课题。

    With the economic development and the deepened researches concerned , tax forecast has been regarded as a more and more important task nowadays .

  23. 商品税分为国内商品税与进出口商品税,二者涉及一国的生产和消费的不同环节。

    Commodity tax consists of inner commodity tax and import-and-export commodity tax , both of which can put importance on the production and consumption .

  24. 但他警告说政府正计划提高烟草的国内消费税。他说这是为了提高本国的财政收入及考虑到“健康原因”。

    But he warned that the government was working on a plan to increase excise taxes on cigarettes , a move he said was necessary to increase government revenues and " for health " .

  25. 在其他国内商品税中虽然有的税种设置之间存在叠加和重复征税,对第三产业发展具有一定的影响,但不作为研究的对象。

    Among other domestic goods taxes , though there are some overlaying and repetitive levies , which have certain influence on the development of the tertiary industry , they are not deemed as the study targets .

  26. 在战略性补充的情况下,最佳国内排放税将高于或低于边际损害,这取决于正的竞争力效应与净损失效应的相对强度。

    In the case of strategic complements , the optimal carbon tax will be set above or below marginal damage , depending on the relative strengths of a positive competitiveness effect versus a deadweight loss effect .

  27. 买方应承担并支付一切派款,关税,销售税,使用税,国内消费税,增值税及类似税收。

    Any and all taxes , levies , customs duties , sales , use , excise , value added and similar taxes to be levied on the buyer shall be borne and paid by the buyer .

  28. 第二章列举了国内政府非税收入征管绩效评价研究的现状及国外政府绩效评价制度对我国的启示。

    Chapter two lists enlightenments one gained from the national research status and foreign government performance evaluation system .

  29. 批评人士可能会说,与新近提议的28%的国内企业所得税税率相比,即便20%都太低了。

    Critics might say even 20 per cent is too low , relative to the newly proposed 28 per cent rate on domestic corporate profits .

  30. 其次,在对国内外环境税产生与发展分析基础上,阐述环境税的价值与功能。

    Secondly , we should state the values and functions of environmental tax based on the analyse of its origin and development at home and abroad .