
  1. 随着经济全球化进一步发展和国际服务市场的开放,服务业外商直接投资(FDIinService)在全球FDI中的比重和地位不断提高,已成为外商直接投资最重要的领域。

    As the further development of economic globalization and the continued opening up of international service market , foreign direct investment ( FDI ) in service sector has become the most important area of the world FDI field .

  2. 国际服务市场上顾客满意与顾客忠诚关系研究

    Research on the relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in international service market

  3. 因此,我国应积极制订适合我国经济发展的服务贸易发展战略,促进服务业的对外开放,扩大服务贸易出口,从而在国际服务市场上占有一席之地,提升我国服务贸易的整体竞争力。

    Therefore , China should formulate an active strategy to improve the international competitive power of our service industry .

  4. 我国于2001年底正式加入世贸组织,这意味着中国服务市场日益融合于国际服务市场。

    China took part in WTO ( Word Trade Organization ) in the end of 2001 , which means Chinese service market has been joining in the international service market day by day .

  5. 从顾客满意与顾客忠诚的基本含义出发,结合国际服务市场的特征,分析了在国际服务市场上各种因素对顾客满意与顾客忠诚关系的作用路径,并提出培育顾客忠诚的策略与方法。

    Based on the basic meaning of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty , combined with the characteristics of international service market , this text analyses how the factors in the international market influence customer loyalty and brings up the countermeasures and methods to increase customer loyalty .

  6. 探讨了我国高等教育进入国际教育服务市场后发展的途径。

    The development channels of China 's higher education in international education service market .

  7. 国际服务外包市场的高速发展为发展中国家的发展提供了良好的机遇。

    International service outsourcing market to speed the development of the developing countries provides a good opportunity .

  8. 认为以下三个方面是国际服务贸易市场准入问题产生的基础,即经济基础&服务贸易发展到走出国门,参与全球竞争的阶段;

    There are three important reasons : the economic foundation-only when the trade in services has come to develop among different countries ;

  9. 中国高等教育市场的巨大商机早已为西方发达国家所注目。入世后的中国高等教育将融入国际教育服务市场行列,面临来自国内外的激烈的市场竞争。

    Along with entry of WTO , China 's higher education will join international education service market , and face intense competition from outside or inside .

  10. 凭借丰富的实践经验和对产品的深度理解?华为在国际专业服务市场劈荆斩棘,拿下一个又一个专业服务合同。

    With a wealth of practical experience and deep understanding of products , Huawei technologies overcomes difficulties and wins many professional service contracts one by one in the international service market .

  11. 面对如此巨大的国际服务外包市场规模,广大服务外包承接国家纷纷制定扶持政策,争取在新一轮的产业转移中占据有利地位。

    Facing such enormous market scale of international service outsourcing , the majority of undertaking countries are making the support policy , striving for a favorable position in the new round of industrial transfer .

  12. 中国及东盟各国的教育服务贸易起步较晚,要想在国际教育服务市场上取得一席之地,仍需继续加以关注重视。

    China and ASEAN countries traded in education services later , if it want to obtain a place in the educational services of international market , still continue to be concerned about the attention .

  13. 本文主要分五个部分进行了阐述:第一部分,国际电信服务市场准入制度概述,主要对国际电信服务的界定和国际电信服务市场准入的界定,对这些内容有总体的认识。

    The international telecommunications services market access system overview , major international telecommunications services and international telecommunications services as defined in the definition of market access , on general knowledge of these contents . Part ⅱ .

  14. 文章第一章介绍了三维企业现状和问题研究的理论依据,第二章主要分析了国内目前汽车服务市场现状以及国际汽车服务市场发展特点。

    The first chapter introduces the present situation of " Sanwei Enterprise " and theories the studying based on . The second chapter analyses the present situation of automotive service in China as well as the international market .

  15. 在国际金融服务外包市场中,中国和印度是两个具有竞争关系的承接大国。

    India is the largest country in the global market of financial services outsourcing which has competitive advantages in terms of personnel , infrastructure , policies and corporate management .

  16. 通过介绍美国犹他州和印度发展软件业的经验,分析了我国西部已经完全具备发展软件产业、成为国际软件外包服务市场的内部条件。

    Based on the actuality of the development of software testing in China , begins with the process of software test outsourcing , four kinds of outsourcing strategies of software test are discussed .

  17. GATS下国际电信服务贸易的市场准入制度研究

    Research on Market Access System of International Telecommunications Services under GATS

  18. 随着部分发达国家适龄劳动力数量的减少,跨国公司面临的成本压力与日俱增,越来越多的跨国公司把国际服务外包作为提高市场竞争力的重要战略。

    As part of the developed countries to reduce the number of school-age workforce , multinational corporations face growing cost pressures , so more and more multinational corporations take international service outsourcing as an important strategy to enhance the market competitiveness .

  19. 第二部分分析了国际服务外包的发展现状与特点,国际服务外包市场发展相当迅速,市场涉及的地区不断扩大,行业的竞争逐渐加剧。

    The international service outsourcing market is developing very rapidly , the area involved is expanding and industry competition is gradually increasing . The third part is the development of international service outsourcing trend analysis .

  20. 本文在对浙江服务业和国际服务贸易发展现状进行分析的基础上,提出了浙江发展服务业和拓展国际服务贸易市场的对策措施。

    The author analyses the present situation of Zhejiang service industry and international trade in service , and puts forward some countermeasures .