
  1. 面对如此大的建筑产品市场,我国的建筑产品价格却没有自己独立的价格管理体系,而是从属于基本建设投资费用管理。

    But for such a big market , there is no independent price 's management system for building price 's which usually appertains to infrastructure expense management .

  2. 最后,阐述我国工程造价管理体制历史变迁和我国建筑产品市场价格形成中的市场规则的框架内容,比较、分析了香港、美国、日本三个国家建筑产品价格形成方式与相关制度。

    At last , it expatiates history flux of engineering management system in our county and the market rule 's content , and it compares the form mode of architecture product price between Hongkong , America and Japan .

  3. 建筑工程产品市场的特点分析

    Analysis of the characteristics of building products market

  4. 工程招投标价格是建筑产品的市场价格,从经济学的角度探讨工程招投标交易方式在建筑产品价格形成中的功能是一个重要的理论问题。

    It is an important theory to discuss the functions of dealing mode of project biding in price forming of construction products from economic viewpoint .

  5. 公开、公正、公平的建筑产品交易市场、发达的工程造价信息网以及完善的相关制度法规是推广工程量清单计价模式应具备的外部配套环境;

    Open , justness and fair trade market of construction products , developed engineering cost information net and perfect system and rule of law are the corresponding outside environment of popularizing of list of quantities pricing .

  6. 推行工程量清单计价和工程实物量清单计价是深化工程造价管理改革,推进建筑产品价格市场化的重要途径。

    It is important approach to deepen the reformation of engineering cost to pushing the technique of calculating price of bills of quantities and the auction technique of substance bills of quantities , it is also important to push construction production price market .

  7. 随着我国建筑卫生陶瓷产品市场竞争的加剧,人们将眼光投向文化,文化将成为建筑卫生陶瓷市场营销中不可缺少的一部分,在营销中占据越来越重要的位置。

    In pace with the aggravation of the constructing sanitation ceramics product market competition , people have paid more attention to " culture " . " Culture " will be an indispensable part in the constructing sanitation ceramics marketing and possess more and more important position .

  8. 建筑产品定价模式必须按照市场规律进行改革,实现建筑产品的市场定价。

    The pricing mode of constructional products should be reformed according to law of market to realize its market pricing .

  9. 目前我国的建筑产品价格实际上仍然是计划价格,市场化改革要求建筑产品的价格由市场形成。

    The prices of construction products are still planned prices in China at present , and they are required by the market reform to be market driven .

  10. 为推动绿色建筑的发展,促进绿色建筑产品尽快为市场所认可和接受,做好绿色建筑费用效益评价工作显得非常重要。

    To promote the development of green building and explore the market , it is quite important to complete the work of cost-benefit evaluation for green building .