
  • 网络Suggest Order;Suggested Order
  1. 朗先生,我建议你把订单削减一半以摆脱你的。

    Brown , I 'd sug gest that you reduce your order by half .

  2. 史密特先生,我建议你把订单数量削减一半以摆脱你的困难,你可以在将来提出新的订单。

    To get around your difficulty , Mr Schmidt , I 'd suggest that you reduce your order by half . You can send in an additional order later .

  3. MRP计算净需求并建议或创建计划订单一满足需求。

    It calculates net requirements and suggests or creates planned orders to fill them .

  4. 如果建议创建计划外订单,请单击“创建”,以确定要订购的冰激凌的口味和数量。

    If an unscheduled order is recommended , click create to determine which flavors and how much to order .