
  1. 基于SOA的建筑市场管理系统将整个系统分为四个层次,分别为应用层、服务层、网络控制层、数据存储层。

    Based on the SOA architecture market management system the system can be divided into four levels , respectively , for the application layer , service layer , control layer , data layer network .

  2. 浅议加强建筑市场管理的措施

    Discusses about the Measure of Strengthening the Management of Construction Market

  3. 建筑市场管理的自组织理论及其实现

    Self - organizing Theory for Administration of Building Market and Its Application

  4. IC卡管理系统在建筑市场管理中的应用

    The Application of the IC Card Management System in the Management of the Construction Market

  5. 加强建筑市场管理提高建设工程质量&对建设工程质量的剖析

    Strengthen the Administration of the Construction Markets and Improve the Quality of the Projects-Analysis of the Quality of the Construction Projects

  6. 在执行过程中有什么问题,请及时告我部建筑市场管理司。

    For any problem found during the course of implementation , please inform the Construction Market Management Department of our Ministry immediately .

  7. WTO已是过去完成时中国入世建筑设计市场管理政策朝花夕拾

    Policy of the Architectural Design Management Since China Joined the WTO

  8. 有形建筑市场计算机管理系统的探讨

    Discussion on Computer Managerial System of the Visible Building Market

  9. 工程项目报建与交易登记信息是政府建筑交易市场管理的重要环节。

    Project construction and transaction registration information is important to the government building market management .

  10. 从现实情况看,我国建筑市场风险管理机制尚未完全建立,在从计划经济体制向市场经济转变过程中,建筑市场存在着如工程质量、人员意外伤亡、资金短缺等问题。

    In fact , risk management system of construction market in China has not been completely established . Project qualities , accidental casualty , lack of money are problems existing in construction market , when planned economy changes to market economy .

  11. 建立项目管理体系、建立项目独特的项目文化、实施绿色施工的新型项目管理是发展趋势,最终成为企业占领建筑市场的主要管理方式。

    Establishing the project management system , establishing a unique culture project , new project management of green construction is the development trend , eventually becomes the main occupation of construction market management .

  12. 基于Web的建筑市场监管与交易管理信息系统的开发

    Development of Information System of Construction Market Supervision and Business Management Based on Web

  13. 对建筑市场的规范化管理具有一定的指导作用。

    It is important to standardize the construction market management .

  14. 论我国建筑市场主体的项目管理和风险管理

    On Project Management and Risk Management of Building Market Principal Parts in China

  15. 也因此,全国各级建设行政主管部门都非常重视建筑市场的建设和管理。

    So , the construction administration departments all over the country think much of the construction and management of the construction market .

  16. 但由于目前建筑市场监管与交易管理的信息化水平不高,建筑市场的秩序依然比较混乱。

    But because the level of informatization on the construction market supervision and business management is not so high , the order of the construction market is still confusion .

  17. 同时,政府有关部门应加强对建筑市场的监督与管理,确保目前制定的各项规章能够贯彻执行,提高各级管理水平。

    The relevant government departments should strengthen supervision and management of the construction market , ensure that the current formulation of the rules and regulations to implement and improve all levels of management .

  18. 本文从工程保险和担保的角度讨论了我国的工程风险管理制度,以图解决我国建筑市场中存在风险管理薄弱的问题,促进我国建筑市场的健康发展。

    This paper discusses the system of construction risk management in China , in terms of construction insurance and bond , to solve the problems in Chinese construction market and promote its smooth development . In the first place , this paper introduces foreign system of construction insurance and bond .

  19. 分析了目前我国建筑市场承发包的现状,对建筑市场承发包价格管理的改革措施进行了探讨。

    Besides , the reform measures for bid price management in construction market are discussed .

  20. 建筑行业在我国经济的长期持续发展中起到中流砥柱的作用,但目前我国建筑市场管理秩序混乱,法律在一定程度上流于形式。

    Construction industry plays a very important role in the long-term development . of the economy in our country , but at present our country construction market management is extraordinary chaos and the law has become a mere formality .

  21. 建筑工程施工招标投标制度是我国建筑业和基本建筑管理体制的一项重大改革,是加强建筑市场管理的重要环节。

    Construction of the public bidding system is China 's fundamental building construction and management system , a significant reform is to strengthen the management of the construction market .

  22. 文章对目前建筑市场存在的严重影响建设工程质量的几个方面进行了分析和论述,并提出了改进的措施,从而更加规范和完善建筑市场的管理。

    The article analyzed some serious influence factors in construction quality at present by several aspects , and proposed the improvement measure for normalizing and perfecting the management of the construction market .