
  • 网络institution of architectural design
  1. 拓展传统建筑设计机构的生存与发展空间&中国建筑设计研究院访谈

    Extend the Room for Existence and Development of Traditional Architecture Design Institute

  2. 中国建筑设计机构发展模式探讨

    Approaches to the Development Mode of Domestic Architecture Design Organ

  3. 建筑设计机构的构成与竞争模式

    Constitution Competitive Mode of Architectural Design Organization

  4. 总之,应该使我国的建筑设计机构向多元化方向发展。

    In one word , Chinese architectural design firms should be put on a diversified development .

  5. 中外建筑设计机构经营模式及生产体制之比较研究

    A Comparative Research on Management Mode and Production System between Chinese and Foreign Architecture Design Firms

  6. 这种多元化的经营模式和生产体制形成了他们强大的市场竞争能力,对我国的建筑设计机构造成了极大的冲击。

    This diversification in the management mode and production system has added to the competitiveness in the market .

  7. 它是建筑设计机构展示项目、聆听启发性演讲、以及逐鹿世界建筑节大奖独一无二的机会。

    It is a unique meeting point for the architectural community to showcase projects , hear inspirational speakers and compete for a WAF Award .

  8. 建筑设计机构的多元化是适应和满足信息化社会中市场需求的多样性的必然选择。

    The architectural design of institutions is to adapt and meet the diversified information-based society , the diversity of market demand , the inevitable choice .

  9. 通过对欧美等发达国家建筑设计机构的历史和现状的研究,可以看到,他们形成了一套以市场需求为导向,高度专业化、社会化分工合作的体制模式;

    If we take a close look at the history and present status of the design firms in developed countries , we can see that they have developed a market-oriented , highly professional and socialized co-operative system pattern ;

  10. 通过对中外建筑设计机构经营模式和生产体制的比较研究,提出以下改革建议:逐步放开对建筑设计事务所的限制,提高建筑设计行业的社会化协作程度;

    Through comparative research on management mode and production system between Chinese and foreign architecture firms , the following suggestion can be given to Chinese government and firms : · By gradually taking off the limitation on architectural design firms , increase the cooperativeness within the design market ;

  11. 一个善于绘制建筑设计图或机构设计图的人。

    A skilled worker who draws plans of buildings or machines .

  12. 办公材料展提供本地区最有影响力的建筑公司和设计机构,以及本地区最大的代理和销售商。

    The Office Exhibition delivers the region 's most influential architectural and design firms , consultants and specifiers as well as the region 's largest agents and distributors .

  13. 我国加入WTO以后,建筑设计市场与国际进一步接轨,建筑设计机构的体制改革势在必行。

    After China entered WTO , the architecture design market meets international standards , and our conventional system needs to be transformed .

  14. 四川省建筑设计院是我国西部在城市建设和开发领域提供专业服务的大型建筑设计咨询机构。

    Sichuan Provincial Architectural Design Institute ( SADI ) is a large-scale architectural design consultancy institution offering professional service in fields of urban construction and development .