
jiàn shè chénɡ běn
  • construction cost
  1. 2012年末,Aureus筹资了8000万美元的股本,这相当于NewLiberty的一大半建设成本。

    Late in 2012 Aureus raised $ 80m of equity , a significant chunk of New Liberty 's construction cost .

  2. 在减少差分基准站和差分信号传输链路硬件系统的条件下,达到降低GPS定位系统的建设成本和运行成本的经济目标。

    By means of decrease in differential reference stations and the communication with mobile GPS , we will realize the good economic goal what include GPS construction cost of navigation system and operate cost .

  3. 我国LED路灯开发走在国际前列,但也存在诸多问题,其中之一是针对投资建设成本高的问题。

    Development of our LED lights take the forefront in the international , one of the problems but there is high cost of investment and construction .

  4. 异型坯用于轧制H型钢不但可以减少轧制道次,降低能耗和投资建设成本,而且可以大幅提高生产效率。

    For rolling H-shaped steel used beam blank can reduce rolling pass , reducing energy consumption and investment , construction costs , and can significantly increase productivity .

  5. 降低基站的建设成本,实现低成本的ROF系统。

    In order to reduce the cost of base station and implement low-cost ROF system .

  6. Web主题资源自动搜索技术可以充分利用Web上大量的免费资源,自动地搜集Web主题资源,摆脱对专家的依赖,降低建设成本,提高Web主题资源建设的速度、效率和质量。

    Automatic focused searching can automatically retrieve the free Web resource , get rid of the dependence on experts , reduce the cost of construction , and improve the speed , efficiency , and quality of Web subject resource construction .

  7. IPoverWDM光网络是下一代光Internet的主要发展方向。通过取消中间层,直接采用两层网络架构,可以提高传输效率,简化网络管理,降低网络建设成本。

    IP over WDM optical network is the evolving trend of next generation Optical Internet , which promising better transport efficiency , simplified management and lower operation cost by eliminating the intermedia layers .

  8. 主要贡献在于:(1)为了减少网络建设成本,WDM光网络中分光节点很可能是稀疏配置的。

    The main contributions include : ( 1 ) to reduce network construction cost , it is desirable to configure light-splitting nodes sparsely in WDM networks .

  9. 更加严重的是PKI证书服务器的建设成本和PKI服务网络的建设成本将分摊到每一份公钥证书上。

    More serious is that the construction costs of the PKI certificate server and PKI service network will be allocated to each user of public-key certificate .

  10. 通过GPRS技术来构建采集传输系统具有充分利用现有网络资源,降低建设成本,缩短建设周期等优点。

    To construct the gathering transmission system through the GPRS technology can make full use of network resources , reduces the construction cost , and shorten the construction cycle .

  11. 与OPS相比,OBS避免了光缓存这一问题,网络的建设成本大大降低。

    Meanwhile compared with OPS , OBS avoid the problem of no optical buffer , and reduce the cost of network construction .

  12. 海量的地理空间数据获取手段的多种多样、加工处理错综复杂,因而数据成为GIS项目中最昂贵的部分,一般占整个系统建设成本的50%~80%。

    Because the ways of collecting data are various and the means of processing data are complicated , data is the most exorbitant part of GIS and is approximate 70 % ~ 80 % in the cost .

  13. 在检测率(DR)、误警率(FAR)和平均检测时间(MTTD)方面都优于目标方法,而且由于每个检测器站只需安装一个检测器,也降低了高速公路事件管理系统的建设成本。

    Furthermore , the total cost of freeway incident management system can be reduced due to only single detector is needed for one detector station .

  14. 北京市地铁运营有限公司(BeijingMassTransitRailwayOperationCorp.Ltd)的这个亏损数字超过了奥运会主场馆鸟巢的建设成本。鸟巢已成为北京的一大标志性建筑,造价人民币31.3亿元。

    That loss for the Beijing Mass Transit Railway Operation Corp. , Ltd is more than what it cost to build the Olympic Bird Nest stadium , now a major landmark in Beijing , which cost 3.13 billion yuan to build .

  15. MedleyGlobalAdvisors的咨询师表示,中东的大型电力和水力项目正面临着融资延迟和建设成本不断上升的困难,这些项目对满足该地区的电力需求至关重要。

    Consultants at Medley Global Advisors said big Middle East power and water projects , vital to meeting the region 's electricity demand , are facing financing delays and rising capital costs .

  16. 在波分复用(WDM)光网络里,如何把低于波长级别的业务流合理组织在波长信道内以降低整个网络的建设成本称为业务梳理问题。

    In optical wavelength division multiplexing networks , sub-wavelength traffic streams can be elaborately arranged in wavelength channels to minimize the total cost of the network construction , known as traffic grooming problems .

  17. 并且其中的Struts、Spring和Hibernate等技术都被广泛的应用,是较为成熟的框架,并且使用这些开源的技术能够有效的降低系统建设成本。

    Furthermore , it is a more mature framework because the Struts , Spring and Hibernate technologies have been widely used , and making use of these open source technologies can effectively reduce system construction costs .

  18. EPON技术很高的网络安全性、扩容方便、维护方便,又节约建设成本,未来可过渡到GPON系统组网。

    EPON technology high network security , expansion of convenient , easy to maintain , but also save construction costs , possible future transition to GPON system network .

  19. 尽管相较轨道交通系统,BRT项目建设成本低很多,但要建立一个完整的BRT系统仍需投入大量资金。

    Compared to rail transit system , the BRT costs are much lower , but establish a full BRT system still need to invest a lot of money .

  20. GPRS作为新兴的数据传输技术,因其本身具有的覆盖面积广、传输速率快、建设成本低、升级方便等优点而被工业监控领域所关注。

    As new technology of data_transfer , GPRS has many advantages such as high transfer rate , low cost , being convenient for upgrade and so on . So it 's the new focus of industry supervision field .

  21. GPRS通讯的实时性强和建设成本低,覆盖范围广等特点,非常适合作为针对工业大用户的用电管理系统的通讯方式。

    GPRS mode has the excellence of real time response and low cost of construction , widely covered scope , and it is very suitable to be the communication network for power consuming administrative system on industrial huge users .

  22. 为了提高桥梁设计质量和效率、降低桥梁设计人员的劳动强度、缩短桥梁设计周期、节约桥梁建设成本,桥梁CAD系统被引入并得到广泛的应用。

    In order to improve the quality and efficiency of bridge design , reduce the bridge engineers ' labor intensity , shorten the design cycle of a bridge , and save the cost of bridge construction , bridge CAD system is introduced and has been widely used .

  23. 就光纤到户(FTTH)工程中的建设成本分析、光缆布放、光纤分配、光纤连接、设备安装等有关问题进行了探析。

    The issues on FTTH engineering , including construction cost analysis , optical cable laying , optical fiber allotment , optical fiber connection and device installation , are discussed .

  24. 各个厂商推出的DRM系统体系结构没有考虑到多种技术融合的一致性问题,导致不同的系统不能兼容,且复杂的DM标准和框架系统,导致过高的建设成本。

    DRM systems introduced by various manufacturers do not take into account the consistency of the integration of a variety of techniques , which are not compatible , and the complex DRM standards and framework need excessive construction costs .

  25. WiMAX以其传输速率高、建网速度快、建设成本低、覆盖面积广、频谱效率高等特点成为未来最富有竞争力的无线宽带技术之一。

    With high transmission rate , high network construction speed , low construction cost , wide coverage and high frequency spectrum utilization rate , WiMAX will become one of the most competitive wireless broadband technologies in the future .

  26. 详细讨论了GNSS非精密进近的投资建设成本及其相对于传统陆基导航设施下的仪表非精密进近程序的经济效益增长值的计算方法。

    The investment cost of constructing GNSS non precision approach is discussed in detail , and a calculation method for the economic benefit growth of GNSS non precision approach relative to the traditional non precision instrument approach is put forward .

  27. 应用原有的室内分布系统来对WMN信号进行室内覆盖,能够尽可能地节省工程建设成本,而且施工工程量较小,易为业主所接受。

    The WMN indoor covering can be finished by using the original indoor districted system . It can save the project construction cost as more as possible , and the quantities is easy to accept by the owners .

  28. 虽然文章中设计的高温超导悬浮系统在结构上较常导EMS悬浮系统复杂,而且工作环境和条件更加苛刻,但能够显著降低悬浮功耗、增大悬浮间隙,极大地节约轨道的建设成本。

    Although the HTS suspension system designed in this dissertation seems more complex than the normal-conduct EMS suspension system , and costs a more difficult operation condition , it can realize greater suspension gap , reduce the suspension power consumption , thus decreases the costs of the guideway .

  29. xDSL宽带接入是当前主要的宽带接入技术之一,由于它利用现有电话双绞铜线,建设成本低、周期短,并能适应多种用户的需求,国内外发展十分迅速。

    XDSL is a main technology of current broadband accesses . Because of its utilization of existing telephone copper twisted-pair , low-cost and short-term construction , meeting the demands of various subscribers , its development is very rapid .

  30. 论控制工程造价、降低油田建设成本

    The Way for Controlling the Engineering and Field Construction Cost