
  • 网络Controllability Principle
  1. 分部业绩评价可控性原则影响因素的实证研究

    An Empirical Study of the Influence Factors of Controllability Principle of Division Performance Evaluation

  2. 责任会计理论的核心:遵循可控性原则

    The Essence of Responsibility Accounting Theory : Adherence to the Controllable Principle

  3. 各项指标的具体评分方法符合人们习惯的打分思路便于计算,符合系统的可观测性和可控性原则。

    The index marking methods accords with the custom thought .

  4. 译者可根据可控性原则,采取一致性的翻译策略。

    The translator can use consistent translation strategies , in accordance with some controllable principles .

  5. 首先,指出了系统性原则,精简、统一、效能原则,可控性原则和法制性原则等是转型期我国行政权力格局调整的基本原则。

    First , point out the system principle , and the basic principle of transformation is simplification , unification effect .

  6. 基本原则包括企业长期价值最大化原则、创新性与可控性相结合原则及路径依赖与路径超越相结合原则;主要依据包括价值创造和能力创造。

    The basic principles include long-term maximization of corporate value , innovation combined with controllable and path dependence combined with path exclusion ; main warrants include value creation and ability creation .