
jià zhí zhǐ shù
  • value index number
  1. 二是基层员工对企业文化的认同与否直接影响文化信息向客户正确传递进而影响客户认同度以及个性价值指数SI。

    It concluded that : enterprise value be affected by visible individuality of enterprise itself or culture individuality of general headquarters and , the value of PI or value of SI .

  2. 最后的Granger检验结果表明,在5%的显著性水平下,人民币实际汇率与国际油价均为企业价值指数的Granger原因,但是反向假设不成立。

    Lastly , Granger Causality Tests shows that the international oil price and the exchange rate are both the Granger reason of enterprise value index under the5 % confidence level , while the reverse is not true .

  3. 联合国出口制成品单位价值指数

    United Nations index of unit value of manufactured export goods

  4. 价值指数用以度量某些变量的价值总量变化。

    A value index measures general changes in the total value of some variable .

  5. 价值指数的直接修正法及算法程序

    The direct alter mode of value ratio

  6. 对外贸易单位价值指数

    Foreign trade unit value index

  7. 但是,如果情况并非如此,高价股在市场价值指数中的权重将会高估,而低价股则会低估。

    But if they are not , market-value indices will tend to overweight expensive stocks and underweight cheap ones .

  8. 荞麦是营养最为丰富的食品之一,蛋白营养价值指数比小麦和大米均高。

    Buckwheat is the most nutrient-rich food of the index of protein nutritional value than wheat and rice are high .

  9. 方法通过对陕西黄河蛇曲地貌景观这一典型实例的研究,采用资源价值指数的评价方法,参考地质公园计划和生态旅游模式,构建多元化的地质旅游资源保护和开发运作模式。

    Methods Through Shaanxi Yellow River curving landscape the typical example , carry out geological park project and eco-tourism pattern and construct the multiplex-patterns .

  10. 提出了一种需求随时间指数增长,同时采购价值时间指数下降的改进EOQ库存模型。

    This article presents an improved EOQ inventory model with time-varying demand and time-varying purchase price .

  11. 基于利益相关者视角的增加价值分配指数研究

    Research on Value-added Distribution Index from the Perspective of the Stakeholders

  12. 1982年2月美国堪萨斯城期货交易所推出了价值线指数期货合约,开创了股指期货交易的先河。

    In February 1982 , American Kansas Exchange promoted Value Line Composite index futures contracts , which originated stock index futures trades .

  13. 本文在构建上市公司价值创造指数的过程中,运用层次分析法来进行权重的设置,在一定程度上可解决完全人为主观设置权重的问题。

    This paper bestows on the power with the analytic hierarchy process , to a certain extent this may solve the completely artificial subjective establishment weight problem .

  14. 2008年7月后,当油价下跌时,由于养老基金需要调整头寸,以维持其资产配置的美元价值,指数掉期交易所占市场比例随之上升。

    When oil prices fell after July 2008 , index swaps increased as a proportion of the market as pension funds needed to adjust their positions to maintain the dollar value of their allocations , says Mr Norrish .

  15. 很多公司不懈地开发基于Linux的应用程序;他们用Linux操作系统去开发应用程序,为企业创造的价值将成指数增长。

    Organizations are constantly creating new Linux-based applications ; when they use a Linux operating system to deploy these applications , their value to the enterprise increases exponentially .

  16. 如果已经安排了QA(质量保证)和测试过程,那么此处的价值就会成指数级增长。

    The value here rises exponentially if you 've got a QA ( quality assurance ) or testing process in place .

  17. 衡量美元相对于一篮子6种主要货币价值的美元指数(DollarIndex)上周展示了其3年半以来的最佳表现,美元被推至4个月以来的最高水平。

    The dollar index , which measures its value against a basket of six major currencies , put in its best performance for over three-and-a-half years last week and boosted the dollar to its highest level for four months .

  18. 结论CDFI结合CDPI对诊断移植肾排异反应很有价值,阻力指数(RI)是一项评定排异反应的重要指标。

    Conclusion CDFI combined with CDPI has valuable clinical significance for diagnosing rejection in transplanted kidneys , and resistance index ( RI ) is very important in accessing rejection .

  19. 换句话说,网络中的节点数按照算术法则提升,而网络的价值则按照指数法则提升。

    In other words , as the number of nodes in a network increases arithmetically , the value of the network increases exponentially .

  20. 通过自助能力把集成工作分散,身份结构的价值获得了指数级的上升,因为在身份结构和应用间可以建立更多的连接。

    By distributing integra ­ tion through self-service capabilities , the identity fabric becomes exponentially more valuable as more connections are made between the fabric and apps .

  21. 价值函数的指数、权重函数的指数都小于1.采用相同的范式对中国被试进行考察,发现:(1)仍适用;

    ( iii ) The indexes of value function and weight function are less than 1.This research adopted the same research norm to investigate Chinese subjects and found : ( I ) can be applied to Chinese subjects ;

  22. 自从1982年2月美国堪萨斯城交易所率先推出价值线综合指数期货以后,股指期货合约迅速风靡全球,受到各国投资者的瞩目和青睐。

    From February 1982 , the American KCBT initiated the first stock index futures contract is called VLF . Since then , the stock index futures developed rapidly in the world , which are accepted and favored by investors .

  23. 对标的资产价值服从双指数跳扩散模型,得到了条件违约风险率和信用违约互换的短期价格极限。

    If the underlying asset value follow the jump diffusion process with two-sided exponentially distributed jump , we obtain the conditional default arrival rate and the exact limit fo credit default swap price at the short end of the term structure .

  24. 做市商也常常会抓住etf价值和标的指数之间的差距,并通过套利来填平差距。

    Market-makers also tend to seize on gaps that open up between the value of an ETF and its underlying index , and eliminate them through arbitrage .

  25. 依据空战态势、空战效能以及目标战役价值,采用威胁指数法建立了空战目标威胁评估模型。

    According to air combat situation , efficiency and target battle value , a target threat estimation model is established based on threat index method .

  26. 自1982年2月美国堪萨斯市期货交易所上市价值线综合平均指数期货交易以来,股票指数期货日益受到各类投资者的重视,交易规模迅速扩大,交易品种不断增加。

    The stock index futures trading has been attached importance to increasingly by varied investors since Kansas Futures Exchange released Value-line Composite Index Futures on February . , 1982 . Trading scale has enlarged quickly and varieties added have gotten more increasingly .

  27. 从敏感性来看,各生态系统的敏感性指数都小于1,最大不超过0.5,说明研究区内生态系统服务价值对生态系统服务价值指数是缺乏弹性的,研究结果是可信的。

    From the sensitivity of view , the ecosystem sensitivity index was less than 1 , the largest was not more than 0.5 , the value of ecosystem services index value of ecosystem services was the lack of flexibility and the results were credible .

  28. 由于建筑物加固设计是在原结构基础上加固、加强,与新建建筑设计不同,因此用价值工程评价时,在功能权重、成本指数、价值指数的计算方面具有自身的特点。

    A building strengthening design is different from the design of a new building , because its strengthening design is on foundation of original structure , therefore it has itself characteristics of function weight , cost index and value index with value engineering assessment .

  29. 在城市的房产价值的中位数是86300美元,根据Zillow家庭价值指数,并于9月30日的销售价格中位数为66900美元。

    The median home value in the city is $ 86,300 , according to the Zillow Home Value Index , and on Sept.30 the median sale price was $ 66,900 .

  30. 以消费品物价指数测定货币的价值有局限性,货币的价值必须是综合指数;

    The currency value should be a composite index and it may have limitation if the value just determined by the CPI .