
  • 网络price statistics
  1. 统计工作小组委员会机构间价格统计工作队

    Subcommittee on Statistical Activities Inter-Agency Task Force on Price Statistics

  2. 住房价格统计中的样本代表性误差及其修正

    Sample error in housing price statistics and its adjustments

  3. 第二部分,对居民消费价格指数统计分析理论框架的构建。

    The second part , construct a statistical analysis theoretical frame of the consumer price index .

  4. 价格的统计分析

    Statistical analysis of price

  5. 房地产项目核心需求和价格定位的统计分析

    The Statistical Analysis of Real Estate Project 's Demand and Pricing

  6. 中国股市价格波动的统计特征分析

    Analysis on Statistical Features of Price Fluctuation in Stock Market of China

  7. 因此,中国股市价格行为的统计特征为何?

    What are the statistical characteristics of Chinese stock market price behavior ?

  8. 中国股票市场科技股价格波动的统计分析

    On Statistical Analysis of the Price Fluctuation of Scientific Shares in Chinese Stock Market

  9. 第三部分,对甘肃省居民消费价格指数进行统计分析。

    The third part , perform a statistical analysis about consumer price index of Gansu province .

  10. 第二章运用描述统计方法研究农业上市公司股票价格的基本统计特征。

    In chapter two , the basic statistic characteristics of the listed agriculture company price was studied by using descriptive statistic .

  11. 房地产泡沫的测度方法的比较分析是研究的重点,主要阐述了指标法、理论价格法、统计检验法的基本理论及适用性。

    This paper focuses on the comparative analysis methods of measuring the real estate bubble , mainly represents on the index method , theoretical-price method , statistics-test method and their applicability .

  12. 理论价格法和统计检验法因所需数据众多,而我国相关统计数据不足,此两种方法在我国的应用受限。

    Theoretical-price method and statistics-test method required a large amount of datas , however , the lack of relevant statistical data caused the limitation of the application of both methods in China .

  13. 为使我国的建设市场与国际建设市场接轨,急需培育工程咨询机构和建筑产品价格信息的统计、分析、预报系统。

    To meet the need of connection of Chinese construction market with that of international , engineering consulting institutions and the statistics , analysis and forecast systems are urgently needed to be trained .

  14. 通过典型商品住宅小区的交换价格与CS值统计分析,建立了城市商品住宅交换价格与CS值的函数关系,并进行了敏感性分析。

    By means of statistic analysis of exchange price and CS value on typical commercial dwelling , the functional relation between exchange price and CS value is built and then sensitive analysis is carried out .

  15. 第四章,广义特征价格模型构建的统计框架。

    Chapter four . Statistical framework of modeling Generalized Hedonic Price Model .

  16. 中国股票市场价格噪声的非线性统计检验

    Nonlinear Statistical Test of Price Noise in Chinese Stock Market

  17. 在其他学者的研究中也发现了农产品的价格弹性低或统计上不显著的问题。

    In other scholars ' studies , we also found that agricultural products prices flexibility is low or not statistically significant .

  18. 文章重点是通过对我国历年房地产销售价格指数数据进行统计分析,利用时间序列建立我国房地产销售价格指数的求和自回归移动平均时间模型,并进行预测。

    The article focuses on the sum of the calendar year real estate sales price index data for statistical analysis using time series of real estate sales price index autoregressive integrated moving average time to model and predict .

  19. 编制企业服务价格指数可以填补服务价格统计中的一项空白,具有重要的理论和现实意义。

    Preparing enterprise service price index can fill the gap of the service price statistics , so it has an important theoretical significance .

  20. 粮食价格与居民消费价格关系的统计分析1997.12005.4年粮价与物价的实证分析

    An Analysis of Grain Price and Consumption Price

  21. 论文以特征价格理论为基础,阐述了当前特征价格指数的基本统计思想,建立了特征价格指数一般理论分析框架,在这一框架下给出了特征价格指数的定义和分类。

    Based on hedonic price index theories , exploring the fundamental statistical implications embodied in the current practical hedonic price index . A general framework for classifying hedonic price index is proposed , and definitions for different hedonic price indexes against the proposed classification framework are given out .

  22. 本章阐述了企业服务价格指数的调查内容,分析了中国企业服务价格指数的统计分类,编制企业服务价格指数的具体步骤和编制方法。

    This chapter elaborates the content of the enterprise service price index , analyzes the statistical classification of Chinese enterprise service price index , and implementing the specific steps and establishment methods of enterprise service price index .

  23. 尽管有效市场假说表明,所有的信息只在当前股票价格中反映出来,而股票过去的情况不能给出有效信息。但是,对股票价格的一些统计研究表明股票价格也依赖于过去的信息。

    Although the EMH implies that all information is reflected in the present price of the stock and past stock performance gives no information , some statistical studies of stock prices have indicated the dependence on past date .

  24. 服务业生产者价格的变动对相关行业和企业的发展乃至国民经济的运行均会产生显著影响,这使得相关部门对服务业生产者价格统计数据的需求越来越迫切。

    The changes of services producer price have a big impact on the development of relevant industries and enterprises , even the operation of the national economy , which makes the demand of producer price statistics for services more and more urgent .