
  • 网络Simple index;Simplicity Index;Simple index number
  1. 方法:分别用简单指数平滑法、单参数双重指数平滑法、Holt-Winters两参数双重指数平滑法对黄瓜霜霉病时间序列进行预测,比较预测效果。

    Methods : Using simple exponential smoothing method , one-parameter double exponential smoothing method and Holt-Winters ' two-parameter double exponential smoothing method respectively , a time series of cucumber downy disease was forecasted .

  2. 简单风险指数对急性ST段抬高性心肌梗死患者住院死亡率的预测价值

    Value of a Simple Risk Index to Predict in-hospital Mortality in ST-segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction

  3. 目的:评价简单风险指数(SRI)对急性ST段抬高性心肌梗死(STEMI)病人住院死亡率的预测价值。

    Objective : To evaluate the value of a simple risk index ( SRI ) which predict in-hospital mortality in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction ( STEMI ) .

  4. 研究了发生在供应链中订货的牛鞭效应和安全库存放大问题,其需求模型是ARIMA(0,1,1),而所用的预测方法是简单的指数平滑。

    This paper studies that the bullwhip effect of order releases and the amplifications of safety stock arise within the supply chain even when the demand model is ARIMA ( 0 , 1 , 1 ) and the forecast method used is a simple exponentially weighted moving average .

  5. 杉木简单竞争指数及生长模型的研究

    Research into Simple Competitive lndex and Growth Model for Cunninghamia lanceolata

  6. 对彩色图像的饱和度分量进行简单的指数拉伸。

    The saturation component of color image is enhanced by an exponential function .

  7. 从密度对于形影响的一般规律出发,分析简单竞争指数与形状指数的关系,建立形状指数模型,为立木材积的测算提供一条新的途径。

    The fractal dimensions , shape indices and compactness of the boundaries of32 provinces ( regions ) of China have been calculated in this paper based on GIS software .

  8. 实验选取三种典型的硅太阳电池(单晶硅样品1、多晶硅样品2和多晶硅样品3),发现其瞬态光电导的上升和衰退曲线可以分别用两个简单的指数函数描述。

    Three typical Si solar cells are selected in our experiments , including both the monocrystalline and polycrystalline silicon samples . We find that the rise and decay curves of the transient photoconductivity can be well described by two simple exponential functions .

  9. 结果表明,每次地闪回击数频率分布并不表现为简单的指数衰减特征,回击数在5次以下的各回击数出现频率几乎相当,单次回击地闪的比重只有约15%。

    The number of strokes per flash does not show a exponential decay distribution . However , flashes whose stroke number are below 5 to occur almost equally to each other and single stroke flashes account for about 15 % of total flashes .

  10. 采用简单易行的指数评价法计算了体现TPS生产能力的综合系数CTPS(CoefficientofTPS)。

    Adopt the easy index evaluation means to calculate CTPS ( Coefficient of TPS ) which reflect TPS ' manufacturing capacity .

  11. 目的:探讨南京地区人群中体重指数(BMI)、腰臀围比(WHR)、腰围这三项简单人体测量指数在评估肥胖中各自的特点。

    Objective : To study the value of three anthropometric indexes : body mass index ( BMI ), waist-hip ratio ( WHR ), waist circumference ( WC ) on assessing obesity in Nanjing population .

  12. 关于本原简单图的指数上界的充要条件

    On the Necessary and Sufficient Condition of Bound of the Exponent of Primitive Simple Graphs

  13. 简单人体测量指数与肥胖相关性的再认识

    Reevaluation of anthropometric index in assessing obesity

  14. 本原简单超图的指数集

    The Exponent Set of Primitive Simple Hypergraphs

  15. 结果心算、视觉保留、线条判断和数字筛选均在酒后0.5 ̄2.5h的时间点上能力指数有所下降,视简单反应时能力指数下降则延续至酒后5.5h;

    Results It was showed that the neurobehavioral ability index ( NAI ) of mental arithmetic , benton visual retention , length discrimination and digit cancel declined during 0.5 ~ 2.5 hours after drinking , the NAI of simple visual reaction time declined during 0.5 ~ 5.5 hours after drinking .

  16. 这种简单的生活方式指数很容易在公众卫生实践中推广。

    The simple structure of the lifestyle index facilitates its use in public health practice .

  17. 第二章首先讨论了扫描探针与样品之间的高密度电流,得出了电流密度与偏置电压和探针&样品间距密切相关,其关系不能以简单的线性或指数函数来表述的结论;

    In Chapter Two , a high-intensity current between a probe tip and a sample is discussed first .

  18. 本文借鉴西方发达国家编制债券指数的成熟经验,对中国大陆债券指数的编制进行了初步的探讨,建立了简单的企业债券指数模型,并分别与沪市企债指数、深市企债指数进行了比较。

    By drawing mature experience from the West , the article makes a preliminary study on how to compile bond indexes in China , and sets up a simple enterprise bond indexes model , and finally makes a comparison with those of Shenzhen and Shanghai .

  19. 指数平滑是基于时间序列的一个简单统计模型进行预测的,文章列出了简单指数平滑和Hot-winter指数平滑技术,并且详细描述了这一检测方法。

    Exponential smoothing is based on the time sequence of a simple statistical model to predict , the article presents a simple exponential smoothing and Hot-winter exponential smoothing techniques , and a detailed description of the detection method .