
  1. 即企业通过公司自己的网站、第三方招聘网站站等机构,使用简历数据库或搜索引擎等工具来完成招聘过程。

    What this usually means is the use of a company 's own website a third-party job site or job board a CV database or search engine marketing to fill vacancies .

  2. 每个工作实体将以学生ID作为主键,这样在自动构建了学生简历时,数据库只需用最少的努力即可列出与每个学生相关的工作。

    Each job entry will key on a student ID , so that when the student 's resume is dynamically built , the database will be able to list those jobs associated with each student with minimal wasted effort .

  3. 将获得的简历归档进数据库,以完善人才库。

    Get the CV and input to the database , to assist building up the recruiting pool .

  4. 如果空间不够,则至少要备份无法轻易再生的数据文件,如简历、图形、数据库和记帐文件。

    If not , at least back up data files that cannot be easily reproduced , such as resumes , pictures , databases , and accounting files .