
  • 网络role expectation;Gender Role Expectation;role expectancy
  1. 师范大学生性别角色期望的调查

    Investigation on gender role expectation of students in a normal university

  2. 医生护士对护士长角色期望的比较

    Comparison of Role Expectation for Head Nurse Between Doctors and Nurses

  3. 广东白云学院学生对辅导员角色期望的调查研究

    Survey on Role Expectation of the Tutors from Students in Baiyun University

  4. 教育相关群体对中学教师的角色期望之比较

    The Comparison on Role-Expectation of Middle School Teachers between Educational Relative Groups

  5. 中学教师角色期望跨地域比较研究

    The Comparation of Middle School Teacher 's Role Expectation between Two Areas

  6. 资源教师角色期望与角色实践调查研究

    An Investigation of Role Expectation and Role Performance Perceived by Resource Room Teachers

  7. 对体育教师角色期望的研究

    Research On Physical Education Teacher 's Professional Requirements

  8. 医院相关群体对护士长角色期望的调查

    A survey of expectations of related groups toward role of head nurse in hospitals

  9. 小学生、家长、管理者对小学教师的角色期望向度有差异。相对而言,小学生更期望教师关心、帮助学生。

    Students , parents and administrator differ in their expectation of primary school teachers ' role .

  10. 汉族与少数民族大学生女性性别角色期望的多元统计分析与比较研究

    Multivariate Statistical Analyses of Female Roles Expectations of College Students Between the Han Nationality and Other Ethnic Groups

  11. 所以对教师角色期望的研究,成为教师教育研究中的一个重要课题。

    So the study on the teacher 's role expectation becomes a very important topic on teacher research .

  12. 基础课程改革下职专生对体育教师的角色期望研究

    Study on the expected roles of PE teachers of students in higher vocational college under the basic curriculum reform

  13. 探究社会个体的性别角色期望的现状,从心理学的角度解释社会现象。

    Explore the social individual of gender roles expectations ' conditions . From the psychology Angle explain social phenomenon .

  14. 教育相关群体教师角色期望状况及其特点和成因分析&以来自湖南长沙的调查为基础

    Status , Characteristics and Causes of Teachers ' Role Expectation of Colonies Concerned with Education & Based on a Survey in Changsha , Hunan

  15. 员工通过反馈寻求行为可以明确他们的角色期望,估计工作行为是否恰当、充分,以提高绩效。

    Feedback seeking enables employees to clarify their role expectations , evaluate the adequacy and appropriateness of their work behavior , and improve their work performance .

  16. 研究表明:学生与教师、教师与行政领导对体育教师角色期望是又红又专,体育教师的敬业精神、责任心与专业素质是完成体育教师任务的必备条件。

    Research indicates that the expectations of the physical teachers ' role are to be both red and expert tobe devoted , responsible and professionally competent .

  17. 社会对记者职业的角色期望,强烈制约着记者的行为模式,使其具有与其他职业不同的心理特征。

    Society 's expectations of the role of the journalists in the profession strongly restrict his behavior patterns and make them have different psychological characteristics from other professions .

  18. 不同身份的人,如教师本人、学生、学生家长、邻居,对中学教师的角色期望各不相同。

    People in different groups , such as teachers , students , student 's parents and student 's neighbors , have different role expectation to middle school teacher .

  19. 角色期望与独特个性、高度重视与地位低微、宣传与实践的三对矛盾引起教师心理压力增大,影响心理健康。

    The unbalance between expectation of role and personality , stress on education and low of status , propaganda and reality strengthen teachers'psychological stress and influence psychological health .

  20. 教师成长是教师学会教学、不断习得与教师有关的角色期望和规范的社会化过程。

    The teacher professional growth is that teachers have learned how to teach and play relevant roles in their teaching lives . It is the process of socializing teacher .

  21. 教师角色期望就是指人们对教师这一处于特定角色地位的群体所应表现出的特定行为的一种设想。

    Teacher 's role expectation is a kind of assumption given by the society that teachers , who stand in the specific role station , should put up what kinds of behavior .

  22. 从幼儿园到小学,不仅是幼儿学习环境的改变,同时也是朋友、教师、角色期望和行为规范的改变。

    From kindergarten to primary school , not only is the change of the learning environment for children , but also friends , teachers , role expectations and norms of behavior change .

  23. 方法:采用自编问卷了解师范大学生性别角色期望的特点,分析性别、家庭来源、专业类型和年级差异。

    METHODS : A self designed questionnaire was adapted to evaluate normal university students ' gender role expectation , and the differences between sexes , family resources , majors and grades were examined .

  24. 受消费者角色期望的影响,贫困大学生更加重视能满足基本生理需求的消费,消费需求处于较低的层次;

    The role expectation restricts Poor College Students apart from luxurious consumption . Thus , Poor College Students ' consumer demand located at a low level , and they attach importance to the basic demand .

  25. 满足社会对医生的角色期望,使学生具有适应和推动医学发展的能力,体现现代医学模式的基本要求,是医学教学价值取向的三个支点;

    Secondly , satisfying the society 's expectation of the role of doctors , helping medical students to develop the ability to adapt to and promote medical progress , and reflecting the essential demands of modern medical model are the three points of value orientation of medical teaching .

  26. 基层政府对大学生村官的工作角色期望与大学生村官工作实践之间的冲突主要集中于工资待遇与工作环境、工作职责、职业生涯设计等方面。

    The conflict between the the working practice of college-graduate village officials and the role expectation of the grassroots government mainly centres on aspects like wages and working environment , job responsibilities , career plan , etc. Therefore village cadres and college-graduate village officials have disagreement in their work .

  27. 使用诸如RationalMethodCompose这样的方法工具将处理过程发布到网上,将会使得每个人都知道变更处理过程中不同角色的期望是什么。

    Publishing the processes online using a method tool like Rational Method Composer will let everyone know what the expectations are for the various roles in the change process .

  28. 剧中她扮演的角色如同期望的一样,和男朋友MikeRoss喜结连理。

    It saw her character get the happy ending she was hoping for , by marrying her on screen boyfriend Mike Ross .

  29. 如果男女改变这些角色的期望,有可能吧。

    Maybe , if expectations of those roles of both sexes change ;

  30. 角色自我期望是角色对自己行为模式的设想。

    Role self-expectation is the assumption that the role player targets his / her own behavior patterns .