
  • 网络role notion;role conception
  1. 论19世纪英国社会性别角色观念

    The Gender Concept in Britain in the 19th Century

  2. 论性别角色观念和男女平等

    Roles and Equality of Male and Female

  3. 媒体教学与英语教师角色观念的转变

    The Use of Multi-media for Teaching and the Change of the Ideas of English Teachers ' Roles in Teaching

  4. 社会因素。重男轻女,传统的性别角色观念的影响。

    Due to the influence of the social factors traditional concept in still exists that boys are more important and of a higher IQ .

  5. 女性主义指出,大众传媒在社会性别角色观念和女性发展中扮演着重要角色,媒介充当了一个重要的性别偏见传播器。

    Feminists pointed out that mass media has been playing a key role in the woman development and gender role , and it has acted as a key disseminator of sexual discrimination .

  6. 加强角色观念和培养角色意识,顺利完成教育教学任务,对于初为人师的大学生来说,教育实习扮演着重要的角色。

    The educational practice plays important role for the students who will become teachers in the future in the aspects of enhancing the idea and awareness the role and successfully finishing their education . 1 .

  7. 女青年的性别角色观念与其生存发展状况呈双向互动关系,而微观社会环境、个人生存和发展状况,限制了青年女性对于性别角色的自我设计和自由选择。

    Young women 's concept of sex role forms a kind of bi-directional interdynamic relationship with their survival and developmental situation . In addition , the micro social environment and individuals ' survival and developmental situation have restricted young women in designing and choosing freely a proper gender role .

  8. 之所以出现这种情况,主要与公务员的心理、责任、角色、观念、利益等因素有关。

    The reasons include psychological , responsibility , role and idea factors related .

  9. 社会性别角色和观念的塑造、社会异化是女性从属的两大社会根源。

    The moulding of gender role and the dissimilation of society are two main social factors .

  10. 影响双性化人格形成的因素包括:性别角色定型观念、家庭、社会角色期望等。

    The factors to influence forming double-sexual role include the idea of sexual role , family , and expectation of social role , etc.

  11. 随着小学《科学》新课标的修订,本文主要讨论了教师角色、观念两方面的转换和更新,为《科学》课堂教学效果的提高提供理论基础。

    Based on the New Curriculum Standard of Science , this paper mainly discuss how to change teachers ' roles and notions so as to provide the theoretical base for the improvement of classroom teaching of Science .

  12. 男女角色的定型观念;

    Stereotyped concept of the roles of men and women ;

  13. 博物馆的设计被赋予了新的功能和新的角色,设计观念也随之呈现出一些新的发展趋势。

    The design of the museum has been assigned new functions and new roles .

  14. 不够完美的男性别发愁,并不是所有女性都喜欢吉伦黑尔这种类型的。男女角色的定型观念

    Fortunately for imperfect men , however , not all women go for the Gyllenhaal ideal . stereotyped concept of the roles of men and women

  15. 与人类生活息息相关的水,在远古两性的生活中扮演着重要的角色,水观念和性观念之间有着密切的关联。

    Water , which is closely related to ancient-human life of sex , life in ancient gender plays an important role in the concept and nature of water are closely related concepts of sex .

  16. 现代上海都市文化市场体制的形成使海派作家的社会角色、文学观念发生了根本变化,并使其小说具有明显的商业化写作特征。

    The formation of market system of modern Shanghai 's metropolitan culture makes Shanghai style writers ' social role and their literature concept change fundamentally , which makes their novels be of obvious characteristic of commercial writing .

  17. 市场营销理论也在不断的尝试从新的视角来定位顾客的角色并且随着消费者观念的转变来调整营销手段。

    Marketing theory is trying to locate new role as the consumers and changes marketing way .

  18. 研究者认为,中国传统文化中母子关系的特征、强烈的社会角色意识以及性别观念等可以解释一些儿童观中的不变因素;

    The author argues that the stability can be explained by the features of the mother-and-son relationship in the Chinese traditional culture , and the strong social role sense and sexual sense as well .

  19. 高校思想政治工作中,师生间客观存在角色障碍、知识观念障碍、生态距离障碍、心理障碍等人际沟通的障碍。

    In higher education ideological political instruction , there are communication obstacles between teachers and students , such as role obstacle , knowledge idea obstacle , ecological distance obstacle , psychological obstacle and so on .

  20. 与此同时,我们要鼓励和表扬小学生非性别角色刻板行为,以弱化他们的性别角色刻板观念,避免此观念给小学生学习带来的不良影响。

    At the same time , we want to encourage and praise the behavior of pupils of non-sex role stereotypes to weaken their gender role stereotypes , and to avoid the adverse effects of this concept to the pupils ' learning .

  21. 父母学习监督者角色的形成也是如此,父母对于角色期望的理解,家庭中儿童的因素,以及父母自身的因素都影响着父母学习监督者角色自我观念的形成。

    And the same is to the parents ' role as the learning supervisor . Their understanding of role 's expectation and the children and the parents themselves etc , all these factors influence the forming of the parents ' self-notion .