
  • 网络role cluster;role set;role complex;role-set
  1. 言语交际中,每个交际主体都是话语角色丛,扮演多个话语角色。

    In the verbal communication , each communicative corpus is the discourse role cluster , acting several discourse roles .

  2. 一方面,可以使中学校长培训课程更具有针对性、实效性;另一方面,在复杂的社会环境中,校长可以不断实现完善自我,理清角色丛、处理角色冲突,更好地完成角色扮演。

    On the one hand , it can make the principles training much more pertinent and quixotic . On the other hand , principles can continuously consummate themselves , sort through role cluster , manage role impact , complete role play in the complicated social milieu .

  3. 案例教学与教师角色丛&兼议教改对教师角色嬗变的期待

    Case Teaching and the Teacher Multiple-role

  4. 找准村卫生室所要扮演的角色丛及其角色结构是解决村卫生室角色定位问题的先决条件。

    The precondition of Solving localization question of social role of village clinic is to look for role which the accurate village clinic must act clump and role structure .

  5. 案例教学中教师对主持人、发言人、导演者、触媒剂等角色丛的充分理解和把握,有助于活跃课堂气氛、提高教学质量、培养学生多方面能力。

    Sufficient understanding and command of different roles such as question-master , prolocutor , director and activator and so on is conducive to activating classroom atmosphere , improving teaching quality and cultivating different abilities in students .

  6. 教师在活动中扮演着角色不是单一的、平面的,而是立体的、多重的,是立体网络式的角色丛。

    The roles a teacher plays are not single , fiat , but rather , they are multiple and three-dimensional , which are built up in a network .

  7. 本文试图依据角色理论,从角色的概念出发,探讨中小学校长角色的界定、分类以及中小学校长角色的角色丛和角色库。

    This paper tries to define and classify the roles of elementary and middle school principals based on the theory of roles .