
  • 网络role norm;role-norm
  1. 社会自我(socialself-concept)是个体对自己在社会生活中所担任的各种社会角色的知觉,包括对角色关系、角色地位、角色规范、角色技能和角色体验的认知和评价。

    Social-self-concept is the perceptions of one 's roles that he or she plays in his or her social life , including the cognition and evaluation of his or her role relation , role status , role norm , role-playing skill and role experience .

  2. 新娘用语言符号想象将来可能采取的角色行动,其他哭嫁参与者则不断以群体认同的标准纠正她的观念,使其逐步认知和接受媳妇角色规范。

    Part Four deals with how the bride envisions the role in the future , and how the other singers continuously try to rectify her idea with the identified community norm to make her gradually realize and accept the role norm of daughter-in-law .

  3. 论文介绍了角色规范属性证书和角色指派属性证书,讨论了基于角色的PMI体系结构,探讨了基于角色PMI的电子政务安全模型。

    The role specification AC and role assignment AC are introduced , the role-based PMI architecture and the role-based PMI security model for E-government is discussed and researched in the paper .

  4. 角色规范的形成必须依赖一定社会文化环境,不同文化环境的角色有着不一样的规范。

    This role regulating has to rely on certain social culture .

  5. 论两课教师的角色规范

    On the Role Norms of the " Two Courses " Teachers

  6. 理想的角色规范和现实之间的落差,对家庭责任的失衡和对事业的追求,使得许多职业女性面临着角色冲突问题。

    Between ideal and reality , family and career , a great many women have the problem of roles conflict .

  7. 角色规范含有用户环境,包括任何使用产品时所需要的辅助技术。

    A persona specification typically includes the user environment , including any assistive technology that the person might need to use the product .

  8. 角色规范功能是指土家族仪典明示每个社会成员在扮演特定的社会角色时,所具有的权利和义务,以及这种角色的行为规范。

    The role regulating means the culture show everyone its certain role , rights and obligations , behavior regulations of everyone in the ceremony .

  9. 统一、独立、开放、效率的制度原则;专业化知识、理性人格、法律至上精神的角色规范。

    System principle of unify , independence , opening and efficiency , role criterion of specialization knowledge , rational personality and the inspirit of law paramountcy .

  10. 影响中学体育教师角色规范的主要因素有职业道德、职业能力、角色的权利和义务,以及课程价值的认同度。

    Influencing role 's formalization of middle-school PE teachers include vocational moral , vocational ability , rights and obligation of role , and indentifying with course value .

  11. 首先,角色规范化程度加强,家长角色开始具有一定的自致角色的特点;

    Firstly , the extent of standardization in the role of the parents has been so reinforced that the role of the parents has got the characteristics of being self-devoted .

  12. 我国儒家文化的角色规范、家族管理模式以及传统阶级理论和西方主流经济学思想是影响私营企业劳资冲突的重要文化因素;

    The important cultural factors that cause labor-management conflicts are Confucius culture like role regulation , family-style management mode and traditional class theory , and also mainstream economic ideas of western countries .

  13. 文章试从社会学的角度论述“两课”教师的角色规范,以培养“两课”教师的角色意识,从而增强“两课”的实效性。

    This article tries to discuss the role norms of these teachers from the angle of sociology . So their consciousness of the roles can be developed and the effect of " Two Courses " will be strengthened .

  14. 角色规范是在长期的社会生活中形成的,并在个体的社会活动中表现出来,是调节人类个体行为使之符合社会需要的指示器。

    Role 's formalization have been formed in lasting social life , while found it through social activity of an individual , also is an indicator that human being adjust social behavior of an individual accord with social expectation .

  15. 要让女干部健康成长,必须提高女干部的自身素质,调整男女两性角色的规范,营造健康宽松的外部环境。

    To let female cadre grow up healthily , we must raise the self quality of female cadre , adjust role normalization of both sexes , and construct healthy and carefree environment .

  16. 地方政府应该重塑政府角色、规范政府行为,建立健全拆迁补偿政策,妥善解决拆迁矛盾,提高治理绩效。

    Local governments should reshape their roles , standardize their behaviors , set up the compensation policies for removing and make the policies sound , appropriately solve removing contradictions , and promote managing performance .

  17. 从工作和管理两个方面对馆员角色行为规范进行了概述,探讨了馆员角色应具有的基本行为规范标准。

    This paper expounds the behavior standards of the role of librarian from two aspects of work and management , and probes into the basic behavior standards that the role of librarian should possess .

  18. 企业角色管理,规范和集中的作用,创建和维护。

    Enterprise Role Management , which standardizes and centralizes role creation and maintenance .

  19. 它赋予行政人员以角色人格,规范了行政人员的行政行为,为行政人格塑造提供价值导向和稳定的预期。

    It gives to administration staff with role personality , administration the administration staff behavior and provides value guiding and stable anticipating to the administration staff .

  20. 教师成长是教师学会教学、不断习得与教师有关的角色期望和规范的社会化过程。

    The teacher professional growth is that teachers have learned how to teach and play relevant roles in their teaching lives . It is the process of socializing teacher .

  21. 答:我觉得这只是因为女大厨还不够多,这要追溯到社会对女性角色的传统规范。

    I think it is simply because there haven 't been enough female chefs , which dates back to old societal norms of what roles are acceptable for women .

  22. 也使人们从不同的角度质疑、反思男女性别的定见以及女性角色的社会规范,从而具有颠覆与重构社会性别、文化之意义。

    It also questioned from different angles , to reflect on the role of female gender stereotypes and social norms , so with " subversion and Reconstruction " Gender and cultural significance .

  23. 大学时期是大学生逐渐适应社会环境,适应社会角色与道德规范,完成社会化过程的关键时期。

    College period is the key time for college students to adopt to the social environment , learn the roles and moral standards of a social person so as to complete their socialization process .

  24. 比如详细阐述五种社会关系,和每个角色的行为规范:君臣、父子、兄弟、夫妻、朋友。

    For instance , it expounded on five social relationships and the conduct appropriate for each : ruler and ruled , son and father , younger brother and older , wife and husband , friend and friend .

  25. PBL教学实践:教师角色的理解与规范化的师资培训

    PBL Implementation : Understanding of tutor 's role and regularization in tutor training

  26. 其二是文体意识,为文前对自身和读者的角色、写作的规范有清楚的认知。

    Style consciousness means the writer has definite knowledge of the role orientation of himself and readers along with the regulation before writing .

  27. 从幼儿园到小学,不仅是幼儿学习环境的改变,同时也是朋友、教师、角色期望和行为规范的改变。

    From kindergarten to primary school , not only is the change of the learning environment for children , but also friends , teachers , role expectations and norms of behavior change .

  28. 文中介绍了以上三种访问控制策略以及角色指派属性证书和角色规范属性证书,以此为基础讨论了基于角色的PMI体系结构,然后探讨了基于角色PMI的访问控制安全模型。

    Here introduces three main security strategies and the role specification AC and role assignment AC , and discusses the role-based PMI architecture , and discusses and researches the role-based PMI secure model for access control .

  29. 因为当女性不得不放弃自身性别角色而以向男性角色规范认同为前提来谋求自我价值实现时,就已经意味着她们在男权语境的统治下对自身性别存在的合理前提提出了怀疑。

    Because when women had to abandon their gender role for seeking self & value realization and the prerequisite was changed to take standard identification as male role , it means that they doubted the reasonable premise of their gender .

  30. 教师角色扮演好坏取决于角色期待、角色规范遵从、角色特征把握、角色差距调适和角色冲突化解等方面。

    Teachers ' role depends on a role expectation , normal obedience , a grip of role character , adjustment of role difference and dissolution of role conflicts .