
  • 网络role learning;role learnlng
  1. 角色学习法对学生身心健康影响的实验研究

    The Experimental Study of Role Learning Method for the Influence of Students ' Body and Mind Health

  2. 本文以角色为出发点,分别从培训、激励、人员测评三个方面阐述了角色理论在人力资源管理中的应用:(1)培训要基于角色,适应角色学习的特点;

    This thesis explains application of role theory to HRM in three aspects of training , motivating and personnel assessment . It puts forward the following views : Training has to be based on the role to adapt to the characteristics of role learning ;

  3. 有助于完善大学生的角色学习与实践。

    It is helpful in consummates college student 's role study and the practice .

  4. 角色学习是自我实现的过程,有助于心理健康。

    Role-learning is a process of self - realization and conducive to mental health .

  5. 其次,加强角色学习,努力更新和完善自身素质,这是实现角色转换的基础。

    Secondly , enhancing roles learning and trying to improve self-quality , which is the base of achieving roles switch ;

  6. 由于产期这一时间得短促,女性在角色学习和掌握中难免会出现偏差。

    Because childbirth period this time is very brief , women will unavoidably present the deviation in the role study and grasp .

  7. 最后以轴承制造过程中的过程角色学习质量知识为对象来介绍系统软件的运行与说明。

    At last citing an example how let the process role learn the quality knowledge to introduce the accomplishment and running of the software system .

  8. 此外,教师还要进行自我调适:要加强角色学习,提高角色扮演能力;进行角色整合,改变角色行为;创造自我角色。

    In addition , the teacher themselves have to strengthen role study , improve role ability , make role integration , change role behavior and create a self-role .

  9. 其次,是角色学习存在偏差。在入学前的角色学习上,存在幼儿园大班下期入学教育流于形式以及幼儿园教育小学化的问题。

    In the role study before entering a school , the entrance education became formalistic at the next period of the top class in a kindergarten and the kindergarten education approached to primary school education .

  10. 在此过程中,新人接受民族文化的熏陶并通过角色学习、角色体验不断强化自己的族群意识和角色认同意识,接受继续社会化,为其从家庭走向更广阔的社会奠定了基础。

    During this process , the new couple is acculturated and the awareness of their national identity and role identity are reinforced . In this way , the ritual boosts their continuous socialization and lays a solid foundation for their further development in a wider world .

  11. 其次,针对关于青年员工职业适应性学习的多个案例进行分析,并且将分析结论按照类属法的方式通过职业角色学习、工作技能学习、人际关系学习和企业文化学习四个方面呈现出来。

    Secondly , through the case analyses of young employees ' occupational adaptation learning , it shows the four contents under the classifying method : the learning of occupational roles , the learning of knowledge skills , the learning of the interpersonal relationship , and the learning of corporate culture .

  12. 加强自身角色的学习。

    Fifth , strengthen their own role of learning .

  13. 信息技术条件下学生学习角色和学习行为的新变化

    New Changes in Student 's Role and Learning Behavior under the Influence of IT

  14. 网络角色和学习角色与学习倦怠呈显著性相关。

    Network role and student role are significantly related to the learning burnout . 7 .

  15. 角色:学习单元中的参与者类型的详细说明。

    Role : A specification of the type of participant in a unit of learning .

  16. 当然这一全新教师角色的学习,不可能在学校中完成,还必须在教育实践中完善。

    Of course , the new type role learning can 't be finished only at school but must be improved in the teaching practice .

  17. 然后我们从学习者动机与态度,教师的角色,学习者学习策略三方面入手分析了影响学生自主学习的有利和不利因素。

    Then we approached the instrumental and impeding factors from three perspectives : the motivation and attitudes of students , teachers ' roles , and learners ' metacognitive strategies .

  18. 最常见的情形是,产品经理完全接受她新的产品负责人角色,学习编写好的故事,并去了解她的开发团队。

    The most common scenario is that the product manager fully embraces her new product owner role , learns to write good stories and gets to know her development team .

  19. 在传统教育体系中,老师起着至关重要的角色,学习的课程是由教育家,或是政府而定,这样的教育并没有考虑到学生自身的兴趣所在。

    In the traditional type of education , teachers play a major role and subjects chosen by educators or the government are being taught regardless of each student 's intrinsic interest .

  20. 总体来说,大学生更倾向于应用知识的信念,具有较强的内在学习动力,对教师角色和学习环境的作用持肯定的积极态度。

    Basically speaking , college students incline to belief of knowledge application , which has stronger internal learning power . They also have positive attitude to the role of teacher and learning environment .

  21. 对于翻译从业者来说,这种变化意味着他们需要更加智慧地开展工作,更加开放地迎接变化,适应不断变化的新角色,学习新技能,掌握新工具。

    But it is much more than that . For the practitioners they mean working smarter and being open to change , adapting to new changing roles , learning new skills and mastering new tools . But the basics do not change .

  22. 第二部分,通过对主题探究性教学模式的概念、内涵的阐述,提出了主题探究性教学模式的基本特征,并从教师角色、学习方式、师生关系三个方面对其基本特征进行了分析。

    The second part of the paper puts forward basic features about the topic explore teaching model based on the topic explore teaching model concept and connotation explanation . The part also analyzes the basic feature on teacher actor , study style and relation between student and teacher .

  23. 玩家角色自己可以学习1种技能。

    There is1 ability you can learn by yourself .

  24. 教师新角色:模范学习者

    New Role of Teacher : The Model of Learners

  25. 在学习过程中,学习兴趣扮演着重要的角色,对学习行为和结果有很大影响。

    Interest plays a very important role in study , which will influence their behavior and consequence of study .

  26. 利用自适应学习系统,让计算机系统担任教师的角色,为学习者提供个性化的自主学习环境。

    Use of adaptive learning systems , computer systems as the role of teachers and learners to provide personalized for the independent learning environment .

  27. 只有尽快进入营销管理角色,掌握学习和运用科学的方法,才能真正驾驭市场营销。

    The only way to control marketing management really and truly is to get into marketing management as soon as possible and learn to grasp and use scientific methods .

  28. 在美国马萨诸塞州的伍斯特理工学院,来自学生支持网络的年轻人们通过角色扮演来学习如何去察觉他们身边的同学们发出的求救信号。

    At Worcester Polytechnic Institute , at Worcester , Massachusetts , US , young people in the Student Support Network role play to learn how to detect SOS signals from their schoolmates .

  29. 包括学习实质信念和学习动力信念在内的主体学习信念,是整个系统最主要的中心信念,教师角色信念和学习环境信念起着基础和支撑作用。

    Learning essence belief and learning power belief are subject belief , which are core for the whole system ; teacher role belief and learning environment belief play as fundamental and supporting role .

  30. 在课堂上创造计算能力和分析能力对立统一的教学模式,在习题课上采取师生互换角色的动态学习方案。

    One aspect is teacher should take the teaching model about contradiction between calculation and analysis ability in class , the other aspect is exchanging the role between the teacher and students in exercise class .