
  • 网络reception learning;receptive learning;learning by acceptance
  1. 思想政治课意义接受学习研究

    Study of Meaningful Reception Learning of Political Lesson

  2. 第三部分,学习方式维度&接受学习和探究学习的融合。

    The third part is of learning dimension & the integration of reception learning and inquiry learning .

  3. 培养乐于接受学习的态度。

    And developing attitudes that make you receptive to learning .

  4. 教师将一同与导游在旅游大学接受学习。

    The teachers will work with tour guides at a tourism college .

  5. 论理解的层次性与接受学习的取向&以乘法交换律的教学为例

    On Levels of Understanding and Adoption of Reception Learning

  6. 接受学习和发现学习是两种主要的学习方式。

    The two main way of learning are receipt study and discovery study .

  7. 发现学习与接受学习的比较

    A Comparative Study of discovery Learning and acceptant learning

  8. 接受学习能保证在较短的时间里掌握较多的知识。

    Learning by acceptance assures the students of mastering more knowledge with less time .

  9. 物理教学中探究学习与接受学习关系的研究

    The Study of the Relationship between Reception Learning and Inquiry Learning in Physics Instruction

  10. 自主学习是与传统的接受学习相对应的一种现代化学习方式。

    Autonomous learning is with the traditional accepting study corresponding a modern learning style .

  11. 基于学生有效接受学习方式的教学案例剖析

    An analysis of teaching case based on students ′ effective learning in receptive mode

  12. 谈排球教学中的接受学习与发现学习

    Accept Learning and Finding Learning in Volleyball Teaching

  13. 意义接受学习中教师角色特征的转变

    Change of Instructor-Role Feature in Meaningful Receptive Learning

  14. 简要地评述了奥苏伯尔有意义接受学习理论,并得出了一些启示。

    The article briefly comments Ausubel 's meaningful learning theory and draws some enlightenments from it .

  15. 改变传统以接受学习为主的学习方式,倡导探究学习的学习方式成为本次课程改革的亮点。

    To remould traditional receptive learning and adopt inquiry learning has been eye-catching in the reform .

  16. 自能学习是一种自主的、能动的学习方式,与传统的接受学习相对。

    Self learning is an autonomous , dynamic learning , learning to accept the traditional relative .

  17. 认为接受学习没有使学生对所学知识产生浓厚兴趣和对知识的需要。

    Accept learning so that students have the knowledge generated strong interest and the need for knowledge .

  18. 无知并不是问题,因为这是接受学习的开始。

    That you don 't know is not a problem , for it 's the start of knowing .

  19. 新课程改革主张改变过于强调接受学习的现状,倡导学生主动参与学习。

    New Curriculum Reform claims a change in the status quo , advocates students ' active participation in learning .

  20. 它作为改革应试教育,针对接受学习弊端提出来的一种新的学习理念。

    Being a new learning concept , it aims at reforming exam-oriented education and the disadvantage of passive study .

  21. 本研究多少有些意外地发现,苏格拉底倡导的学习方式乃是经典性的接受学习模型,倒是他所极力批判的智者派所倡导的学习方式具有浓厚的研究性学习的异彩。

    The study unexpectedly found that the learning style supported by Socrates is the classical ' reception learning ' .

  22. 内书堂是明代宦官的学校机构,是接受学习教育的地方。

    It is the school institution and the place of study and education for eunuchs during the Ming dynasty .

  23. 于是,缘自古希腊自然哲学家的旁观者知识观经苏格拉底等人的维护使接受学习长时间地主导了人类的求知方式(学习方式)。

    The spectator theory of knowledge has prescribed the reception learning as the basic learning style for a long time .

  24. 在这样的教学系统下学习者是被动的接受学习,带动不了学习者的学习积极性,而且顺序学习并不能适合每一位学习者,所以这样的学习效果和效率都会比较差。

    Thus the learner is passive accept learning . It is not suit for everybody and it has not good effects and efficiency .

  25. 如何使接受学习成为有意义的学习,这与知识的建构问题有关;

    Otherwise , the learning will be meaningless . The attempt to make meaningful reception learning is associated with the construction of knowledge .

  26. 以往传统的教育模式仅仅强调接受学习,让学生学习确定的知识。

    According to the traditional teaching pattern , the teacher only emphasizes the students to receive their studies , to learn the definite knowledge .

  27. 相对于接受学习,探究性学习更有利于培养学生独立思考的习惯,激发学生的创新意识。

    Compared to Swallowing Study , Investigation Study is good for forming the students ' habit of thinking independently and stimulating their creative consciousness .

  28. 根据学生学习的主动性和创新性程度,学习方式可分为机械接受学习、意义接受学习、发现学习、研究型学习并组成一个完整的序列。

    Learning approaches can be divided into rote receptive , meaningful receptive , discovery and research learning on basis of students ' autonomy and creativity .

  29. 数学建模活动使学生学习方式由被动接受学习向自主探索学习,单独学习到多向交流学习变迁;

    Mathematical modeling realized the change of learning mode for students , Passive receive learning changed freedom explore , by oneself learning changed many interchange ;

  30. 即是说接受学习与探究学习要成为有意义的学习都必须融入建构的成分。

    In another word , in order to make a meaningful learning , reception learning and inquiry learning must be integrated with the elements of constructivism .