
  1. 该党因私下接受捐赠而蒙羞。

    The Party is being degraded by its acceptance of secret donations

  2. Sherrie自掏腰包做一些事情当然也是在接受捐赠的同时

    These are some of the things that Sherrie does , with your own money and of course when she asked for donations

  3. 肖恩创建了一个网站接受捐赠和招募志愿者。

    Sean Conroe created a website to get volunteers and donations .

  4. 地方选区候选人名单接受捐赠预先申报书

    Advance Return of Donations by a Geographical Constituency List of Candidates

  5. 组委会接受捐赠作品和收藏部分作品。

    The committee accepts donation , and collection a part of works .

  6. 暗黑钱包的使用是免费的,但开发者接受捐赠。

    It will be free , though the developers are accepting donations .

  7. 接受捐赠预先申报书

    Advance Return of Donations

  8. 浅谈扩大高校图书馆捐赠图书的途径及有效管理接受捐赠预先申报书

    Talking about Expanding the Paths for Donating Books for University Library and the Effective Management of the Donated Books

  9. 接受捐赠固定资产时发生的各项费用,应当计入固定资产价值。

    Expenses incurred on receiving those donated fixed assets , shall be accounted for as the fixed assets value .

  10. 这些商店接受捐赠物品,然后用销售所得做慈善工作,但是现在商店里的物品日渐减少。

    The store sells donated items to raise money for charity work , but there are now less items for shoppers .

  11. 低于账面价出售接受捐赠的固定资产该怎样缴纳企业所得税?

    How to pay the income tax when the fixed property donated is sold at the price lower than the account price ?

  12. 清华大学教育基金会接受捐赠情况分析及思考高等教育募捐:美国加州大学的做法与启示

    A Survey of Endowment Raised by Tsinghua Foundation ; Higher Education Donations : the Characteristics of University of California and Its Inspiration

  13. “暗黑钱包”计划于2014年年初发布。“暗黑钱包”的使用是免费的,但开发者接受捐赠。

    Dark Wallet is set for release in early 2014 . It will be free , though the developers are accepting donations .

  14. 告诉他们我的学校需要帮助那是我最初接受捐赠的方式

    and calling them up and saying hey I have this school and I need help , that 's how I started the donations

  15. 接受捐赠的固定资产应按照同类资产的市场价格或者有关凭据确定固定资产价值。

    Fixed assets received as donations shall be accounted through evaluation with reference to the market price of similar assets or with relevant evidences .

  16. 秘书长王海京表示,中国红十字会所接受捐赠款物的调拨和分发情况,将会定期向社会公告。

    Whang Haijing , general secretary of the organization , said the Red Cross will regularly publish the allocation and transfer of donated goods and funds .

  17. 它是由资本溢价、股本溢价、接受捐赠、资产评估增值、外币折算差额等原因形成的。

    It is formed due to several reasons capital stock premium , present acceptance assets assessment appreciation and foreign currency converting difference , and so on .

  18. 在发生接受捐赠实物资产业务和资产评估增值业务时,应按捐赠实物资产价值和资产评估增值款扣款未来应交的所得税,暂计资本公积准备项目。

    Transactions of physical contribution and asset revaluation gains should be recorded at the actual value with deductions for future income tax , also as Reserve Funds of Capital Surplus .

  19. 由于空间不足,艺术博物馆在考虑购买和接受捐赠的艺术品是越来越慎重,有些情况下放弃其进一步改善收藏的机会。

    Because of the space crunch , the Art Museum has become increasingly cautiousin considering acquisitions and donations of art , in some cases passing up opportunities to strengthen is collections .

  20. 他表示,相比之下,许多欧洲学校拥有某种程度的政府支持,即便接受捐赠,数额也非常少,它们在金融方面将不会受到同等影响。

    In contrast , he says , many European schools have some degree of state support and few if any endowments , and will not be exposed financially to the same degree .

  21. 在分析股份有限公司捐赠资产性质的基础上,结合有关会计制度的规定,提出了接受捐赠资产会计处理的方法。

    On the basis of the analysis for the donated assets properties company limited , this paper gives a accounting method for the donated assets of company limited with the accounting regulations .

  22. 接受捐赠的慈善界对极端且不招人待见的反犹太主义的批评力度不够。这令人非常担忧,我认为我们所有人都从中学到了一些东西。

    The community of institutions that was represented there did not strongly enough criticise the extreme and unattractive anti-Semitism . It was very disturbing and I think all of us learnt something from that .

  23. 接受捐赠的物资无法用于符合本基金会宗旨的用途时,基金会可以依法拍卖或者变卖,所得收入用于捐赠目的。

    In case the materials donated cannot be used for the purpose in conformity with the foundation 's tenet , the foundation may auction or sell them off , and the income therefrom shall be for the purpose of donation .

  24. 与OASIS最初的接受标准捐赠的声明所说的相符

    In line with the original announcement from OASIS on accepting the donated standards that talked about

  25. 她认为,对无偿援助部门接受的捐赠进行支出分析非常重要,因此当她遇到其他MBA毕业生时,会十分欣慰。

    She believes it is important to analyse how donations to the voluntary sector are spent , so is grateful when she comes across other MBA graduates .

  26. 方法1-超促排卵:采用CC/HCG方案、FSH/HCG方案、及接受卵子捐赠各1例,其余13例采用GnRh-a/FSH/HCG方案。

    Method 1 . Controlled ovarian hyperstimulation : ovarian stimulation with CC / HCG and FSH / HCG protocol and accept the oocyte donation 1 case respectively . the other 13 by ovulation induction with GnRh-a / FSH / HCG protocol .

  27. 英国大学接受的捐赠品也很少。

    British universities also scored poorly in terms of gifts and donations .

  28. 选举开支及接受选举捐赠之申报书及声明书

    Return and Declaration of Election Expenses and Donations

  29. 他的名字在接受心脏捐赠名单的前列。

    He 's on the top of the donor list for a new heart .

  30. 过路人:那是很有意义的工作。请接受这点捐赠,可惜我不能多捐一点。

    Passer-by : That 's a very worthy cause . Please accept this . I wish I could give you more .