
  • 网络Receiving goods;taking delivery;Receipt of the goods;Receipt of goods
  1. 接收货物和退货必须放在待验区域。

    Incoming Materials and returned goods must be placed under Quarantine Status .

  2. 航运或接收货物的雇员。

    An employee who ships and receives goods .

  3. 货船预计在10/28抵达贵港,你们现在可以接收货物的一切必要的准备了。

    The ship is scheduled to arrive at your port on the28th October and you may now make all the necessary preparations to take delivery of the goods .

  4. 承运人应对其接收货物时起至交付货物时止的货物灭失或损坏负责。

    The carrier shall be liable for loss of or damage to the goods occurring between the time when he receives the goods into his charge and the time of delivery .

  5. 买方收取货物的义务如下包括采取一切理应采取的行动,以期卖方能交付货物及接收货物。

    The Buyer 's obligation to take delivery consists in doing all the acts which could reasonably be expected of him in order to enable the seller to make delivery ; and in taking over the goods .

  6. 从买方接收货物时起,或如果买方不在适当时间内这样做,则从货物交给他处置但他不收取货物从而违反合同时起,风险移转到买方承担。

    The risk passes to the buyer when he takes over the goods or , if he does not do so in due time , from the time when the goods are placed at his disposal and he commits a breach of contract by failing to take delivery .

  7. 同时,人们对其要求就越来越高,使得物流企业在接收货物后,要根据货物的特点及客户的要求选择合适的运输方式来削减成本以满足客户的需求。

    At the same time , the request of logistics industry was more and more high , according to the characteristics of the goods and the demand of the customers to choose the right transportation to cut the costs to meet the demand of customers after receiving the goods .

  8. 他们否认已接收到货物。

    They denied receipt of the shipment .

  9. 以生产、运输或接收的货物的数量或重量记帐的人。

    One who keeps a tally of quantity or weight of goods produced or shipped or received .

  10. 你们可以用一个货柜接收2k全部货物吗?

    Could you please accept totally2k in one lot shipment ?

  11. 直接接收和交付货物的飞机传送处的雇员。

    An employee of a freight carrier who directs the receipt and delivery of goods .

  12. 接收损坏的货物,客户将自己担负责任。集装箱箱体自然损耗

    Accepting damaged packages is for the customers ' own risk ! Container Wear and Tear

  13. 对接收和出港的货物你们进行称重,贴签,清点和记录吗?

    Does your facility weigh , mark , count and document what products are received and shipped out of your facility ?