
  • 网络general cargo;breakbulk;Break Bulk Cargo
  1. 件杂货运输中,由于不同货主的货物品种多、批量小,增加了货物装卸的难度和时间,并且出错率高,最终导致成本增加。

    In the general cargo transportation , It takes a long time to load and unload cargoes for the variety .

  2. 近年来,随着我国港口的建设和发展,件杂货码头的装卸能力得到不断提升。

    In recent years with the construction and development of the ports in our country , general cargo terminals have made continuous improvements in their loading and unloading abilities .

  3. 港口件杂货装卸设备配置优化系统的研究

    Research on Loading and Unloading Eqiupment Optimum Allocation System of Bulk Terminal

  4. 改造件杂货仓库提高储存散货的能力

    Improvement of General Cargo Storage Warehouse in Order to Enhance Bulk Storage Ability

  5. 港口件杂货码头生产作业线优化配置研究

    Research on the Optimum Allocation of the Bulk Dock Produce Line on Port

  6. 生产系统的能力最优配置件杂货码头装卸作业线后方机械配置模型的研究

    Optimal Allocation of Work in Production System Equipment Allocation Model of Production Line on Port

  7. 件杂货运输的标准化、系统化、网络化和信息化均通过集装箱运输得以实现。

    The standardization , systematization , networking and informatization of general cargo transport are realized through the container transportation .

  8. 探讨了港口件杂货物流系统的构成、业务流程、成本结构和运作机制;

    First , the system composition , business process , cost structure and operations mechanism of the general cargo port logistics system were analyzed .

  9. 秉承物流一体化的管理思想,运用优化理论建立了件杂货港口的仓库管理和待泊船舶遴选的数学模型;

    Then the mathematical model for the warehouse management and ship selection was established based on the concept of integrated logistics using optimization theory .

  10. 进而,分起运量、台时产量、成本等三部分具体分析了海口港件杂货装卸系统。

    And then , it analyzes Haikou port general cargo handling system on three aspects such as inducement , output per machine hour and cost .

  11. 联合国贸发会已经根据大量的调查资料,确认件杂货船的随机到港规律较近似于泊松分布。

    UNCTAD will have a significant amount of survey data , to confirm break-bulk cargo ship to Hong Kong laws were more similar to Poisson distribution .

  12. 本文是在大连港老港区搬迁改造,港口通用件杂货码头功能转移的背景下进行的一项具有非常重要实际意义的研究课题。

    This paper , written under the background that the handling function of the Dalian port 's universal wharf is shifting , has important practical significance .

  13. 天津港埠二公司作为件杂货装卸的主要码头公司,对件杂货装卸系统的效率改善成为刻不容缓的问题。

    The Second Company of Tianjin Port as the main controlled company of break-bulk handling , should take the problem of improving efficiency at the first place .

  14. 集装箱运输作为件杂货的一种先进运输方式,已经成为当今世界国与国、地区与地区之间物资贸易与运输的主流。

    As a new transport mode for grocery and bulk cargos , container transport has been the main mode to transport materials between nation and nation , area and area .

  15. 天津港是以大宗散货、件杂货和集装箱运输为主的大型综合性港口,件杂货装卸作业在天津港一直占据着比较稳定和重要的地位。

    Tianjin Port is a large comprehensive port which primarily base on bulk , break-bulk and container transportation , and its break-bulk handling has held a more stable and important position .

  16. 履带式下舱起重机作为件杂货码头的专用下舱设备,其性能和结构也要求适应港口发展的需要。

    As the special lower deck equipment for general cargo terminals , crawler type lower deck cranes are also required to meet the requirements of the developing ports for their capabilities and structures .

  17. 件杂货生产中使用的设备种类较多,以至于相应的维修备件种类和型号繁杂,这给日常的机务管理工作造成很多困难。

    A general production equipment used in sort is more , so that the corresponding maintenance spare parts types and models of multifarious , this to the daily maintenance management caused a lot of difficulties .

  18. 在调查件杂货码头装卸作业线设备配置的现状,和研究分析影响装卸作业效率因素的基础上,提出了一种新的作业效率评价指标&相对作业效率。

    The paper presents a new evaluating parameter of product efficiency & relative product efficiency , based on the status of equipment allocation of product line on port and influencing factor of product efficiency on port .

  19. 结合公司信息化发展的现状和公司生产组织的特点,详细阐述了基于C/S结构的件杂货码头生产管理信息系统的模型,数据库设计及功能实现。

    Finally , the status of development of corporate information and company characteristics of organizations described in detail based on C / S structure of the bulk cargo terminal model of production management information systems , database design and feature implementation .

  20. 首先介绍并分析了天津港埠二公司的件杂货码头的装卸系统配置现状,包括件杂货码头的主要货类、装卸机械设备、装卸工属具、装卸工艺的分析等。

    This paper firstly introduces the actuality of the loading and unloading system configuration , including the major ports of loading and unloading goods , mechanical equipment , loading and unloading tools and the analysis of handling technology and so on .

  21. 港口件杂货装卸生产系统是由船舶、货物、装卸设备、装卸用工属具、劳动力、货场等多种生产因素组成的复杂系统,装卸环节多而繁杂。

    Port break-bulk loading and unloading production system is a complex system made up of ship , goods , loading and unloading equipment , loading and unloading of labor , labor and goods yard . And its loading and unloading links is multifarious and complex .

  22. 随着件杂货码头生产管理系统的应用,不仅生产效率、效益得到提高,而且可通过相关数据的积累和信息挖掘等技术,真正发挥信息的潜在价值,为企业更深层次的管理活动提供决策依据。

    With the general cargo terminal application of production management system , not only productivity , improve efficiency , but also by the accumulation of relevant data and information mining technology , the real potential value of information to play for the enterprise management activities deeper basis for decision making .

  23. 在那之前的几年里,我脑袋里常常连只有四件物品的杂货购物单都存不下,于是我开始真真切切地有些担心自己头脑的状态。

    In the last few years , unable to hold a list of just four grocery items in my head , I 'd begun to fret a bit over my literal state of mind .
