
jiàn hào
  • part number;piece number
件号[jiàn hào]
  1. 通过调查某个件号的LRU的失效情况发现,它没有执行过寿命改进工作。

    Investigation of multiple failures of one part number LRU revealed that a free life-improvement modification had not been performed .

  2. 清单应当包括件号(P/N)、序号(S/N)、名称或描述、TSO和飞机机尾号(ATN)(见图1)。

    The listing should include the part number ( P / N ), serial number ( S / N ), name or description , TSO , and airplane tail number ( ATN )( fig.1 ) .

  3. 件号A和B是一样的以前的规格,现在已经由C代替了件号E是不存在的,厂家提供了件号D。

    The original part numbers A and B have been replaced with part number C.Part number E doesn 't exist , so the manufacturer offers part number D instead .

  4. 介绍了在AUTOCAD环境下,实现件号标注、件号标注修改、明细表生成、输出CAD/PDM中间文件的有关技术与算法。

    It describes the algorithms to mark parts number , alter parts number , generate item block and output the intermediate files for integration of CAD / PDM under the environment of AUTOCAD .

  5. 能够在操作界面上直接更改加工件号和进行砂轮磨损量调整的功能,改善了铸造清理设备的柔性。

    Carry out adjusting casting dimension and wear of grinding wheel in handle menu .

  6. 如果那些具有不同尾号的附件对于人员资格、工具设备的要求是相同的,那么对于其中某一个件号的批准同样适用于其它尾号的件号。

    The approval for a specific part number is also valid for part numbers with higher dash numbers if the demands to personal qualification , tools and equipment are the same .

  7. 结果,新增了管理系统,比如合同数据库系统和开支管理系统,用于管理各部门的开支和所采购部件的详细件号。

    As a result , we have added new systems , such as a contracts database and a spend management system which tells us who ( within the group ) is spending what on specific part numbers .

  8. 由于热像头的光机扫描不可避免地存在不稳定性【1】,那么必将导致同一件号下具有不同序号的电路板上相应的元器件在热像上的位置产生漂移。

    Because of the inevitable instability of the opto-machine scanning of the infrared camera , the location of the same device in the thermal images of the circuit cards , each of which has a different serial number but a same part number , are not exactly same .

  9. 队长萨内蒂则将一件473号球衣赠给了曾加

    Chief Saneidi presented as a gift 473 attires gives once added .

  10. 虽说一位健康的成年女性或者十几岁的女孩子有可能穿进一件零号的衣服,但我们要知道的是,女性身形的正常尺寸差别并不可能让很多人都能够穿进零号的衣服,而且我们也不建议大家做这种尝试。

    Whilst it is perfectly possible for an adult or teenaged female to be healthy and fit a size zero , it should be acknowledged that normal differences in female body shape make this goal unattainable and unadvisable for many .

  11. 钎焊接合的陶瓷-金属复合挺柱,装在汽车发动机上,工作1160h后,陶瓷镶块自身磨损量约为0.25μp,其对偶件45号淬火钢凸轮的磨损量为3.14μp。

    Ceramic - metal tappet combined by braze welding was tested in automobile engine . After 1160 hours running , the wear of the ceramic insert itself is 0 . 25 μ p , while that of the quenched 45 steel counterface is 3 . 14 μ m.

  12. ApieceApart的创始人之一克拉默(LauraCramer)记得多年前在尼曼(NeimanMarcus)的大清仓活动中买过一件12号的珂洛艾伊(Chloé)品牌的衣服以便在怀孕时穿。

    Co-founder of clothing label Apiece Apart Laura Cramer recalled buying a size 12 Chlo é dress at Neiman Marcus 's Last Call sale store years ago to wear while pregnant .

  13. 基达回忆说,前不久,她去宾夕法尼亚州伊斯顿的西加尔博物馆(SigalMuseum)观看一场关于历史上著名的晚礼服的展览,发现只有一件特大号晚装在展出。

    Ms. Keydar recalled that during a recent visit to an exhibition of historic evening dresses at the Sigal Museum in Easton , Pa. , there was only one plus-size dress on display .

  14. 麻烦帮我找一件十二号的裤子。

    Could you get me these pants in a size 12 .

  15. 我盘算购件特大号的绿裙子。

    I like to have an extra large green skirt .

  16. 长江重件1号滚装船襟翼舵大齿轮与下舵承本体外圈的焊接技术

    Technology for welding flap helm with lower helm bearing of Changjiang roll-on-roll-off ship No.1

  17. 请你给我看一件特大号的好吗?

    Will you show me an extra large ?

  18. 在可可海滩,佛罗里达州,前往沙滩过目两件挑战者号航天飞机上的较大的冲上岸星期二,1996年12月17号了。

    Beachgoers at Cocoa Beach , Fla. , look over the larger of two pieces of the space shuttle Challenger that washed up on shore Tuesday , Dec.17,1996 .

  19. 史密斯今天穿着一件特大号的橙蓝相间的冰球衫,他说他从这位老朋友手中捡了个大便宜,阿弗莱克曾主演过史密斯的多部影片。

    Smith , clad today in an outsize orange and blue ice-hockey shirt , says he got a good deal from the actor , a long-time friend who starred in several of his movies .

  20. 面对一些打折幅度低至70%的商品,一些顾客一厢情愿地认为,一件12号的衣服可以神奇地缩小到2号。

    In the face of something marked down to 70 % off , some shoppers resort to a form of magical thinking in which they doggedly conclude that a size 12 piece can be transformed into a size 2 in a Honey-I-Shrunk-The-Frock way .

  21. 附注可注释有关技术标准,如公差、粗糙度和标准件的标准号等。

    The remarks can note some standards , such as tolerance , roughness and code of standard parts .

  22. 好消息我找到了一件海军蓝的八号的

    Good news , I found a size eight in navy .

  23. 我要一件深蓝色42号的男式衬衫。

    I want a dark blue shirt of size 42 .

  24. 以厄瓜多尔为例,它最初采用美元时,就像一位乐观但过胖的女人买了一件小了两号的衣服。

    When Ecuador first adopted the dollar , for example , it was compared to an optimistic but overweight woman who had bought a dress two sizes too small .

  25. 一位要好的朋友向我推荐阿森纳队,他非常热衷,感染之下我也成了阿森纳的球迷,还有一件阿森纳的08号球衣。

    And a friend of mine introduced me to Arsenal , he was so keen that I started to support Arsenal ; I even have a T-shirt of Arsenal , 08 .

  26. 这件衬衫比那件小一号。

    This shirt is one size smaller than that one .

  27. 每件货物上应刷明到货口岸、件号、毛沉及净重、尺码及唛头,安阳烟囱安装航标灯。

    Port of destination , package number , gross and net weights , measurement and shipping mark shall be stenciled conspicuously on each package .

  28. 每件货物的包装上都应打上内有CCD的菱形标记和件号。

    Every package shall be marked CCD in diamond and the package number .

  29. 据克里斯蒂拍卖行估计,这件救生衣能拍到6万至8万美元。该拍卖行去年曾在伦敦拍出一件“泰坦尼克号”救生衣,当时的拍价为11.9万美元。

    Christie 's , which estimated that the life preserver would sell for $ 60,000 to $ 80,000 , sold another Titanic life jacket last year in London for $ 119,000 .
