- part number;piece number

Investigation of multiple failures of one part number LRU revealed that a free life-improvement modification had not been performed .
The listing should include the part number ( P / N ), serial number ( S / N ), name or description , TSO , and airplane tail number ( ATN )( fig.1 ) .
The original part numbers A and B have been replaced with part number C.Part number E doesn 't exist , so the manufacturer offers part number D instead .
It describes the algorithms to mark parts number , alter parts number , generate item block and output the intermediate files for integration of CAD / PDM under the environment of AUTOCAD .
Carry out adjusting casting dimension and wear of grinding wheel in handle menu .
The approval for a specific part number is also valid for part numbers with higher dash numbers if the demands to personal qualification , tools and equipment are the same .
As a result , we have added new systems , such as a contracts database and a spend management system which tells us who ( within the group ) is spending what on specific part numbers .
Because of the inevitable instability of the opto-machine scanning of the infrared camera , the location of the same device in the thermal images of the circuit cards , each of which has a different serial number but a same part number , are not exactly same .
Chief Saneidi presented as a gift 473 attires gives once added .
Whilst it is perfectly possible for an adult or teenaged female to be healthy and fit a size zero , it should be acknowledged that normal differences in female body shape make this goal unattainable and unadvisable for many .
Ceramic - metal tappet combined by braze welding was tested in automobile engine . After 1160 hours running , the wear of the ceramic insert itself is 0 . 25 μ p , while that of the quenched 45 steel counterface is 3 . 14 μ m.
Co-founder of clothing label Apiece Apart Laura Cramer recalled buying a size 12 Chlo é dress at Neiman Marcus 's Last Call sale store years ago to wear while pregnant .
Ms. Keydar recalled that during a recent visit to an exhibition of historic evening dresses at the Sigal Museum in Easton , Pa. , there was only one plus-size dress on display .
Could you get me these pants in a size 12 .
I like to have an extra large green skirt .
Technology for welding flap helm with lower helm bearing of Changjiang roll-on-roll-off ship No.1
Will you show me an extra large ?
Beachgoers at Cocoa Beach , Fla. , look over the larger of two pieces of the space shuttle Challenger that washed up on shore Tuesday , Dec.17,1996 .
Smith , clad today in an outsize orange and blue ice-hockey shirt , says he got a good deal from the actor , a long-time friend who starred in several of his movies .
In the face of something marked down to 70 % off , some shoppers resort to a form of magical thinking in which they doggedly conclude that a size 12 piece can be transformed into a size 2 in a Honey-I-Shrunk-The-Frock way .
The remarks can note some standards , such as tolerance , roughness and code of standard parts .
Good news , I found a size eight in navy .
I want a dark blue shirt of size 42 .
When Ecuador first adopted the dollar , for example , it was compared to an optimistic but overweight woman who had bought a dress two sizes too small .
And a friend of mine introduced me to Arsenal , he was so keen that I started to support Arsenal ; I even have a T-shirt of Arsenal , 08 .
This shirt is one size smaller than that one .
Port of destination , package number , gross and net weights , measurement and shipping mark shall be stenciled conspicuously on each package .
Every package shall be marked CCD in diamond and the package number .
Christie 's , which estimated that the life preserver would sell for $ 60,000 to $ 80,000 , sold another Titanic life jacket last year in London for $ 119,000 .