
  • 网络statutory retirement age;Legal retirement age;mandatory retirement age;statutory pensionable age
  1. 第一,提高法定退休年龄。

    The first option is to increase the statutory retirement age .

  2. 良方还是错药&延长法定退休年龄之辩

    " Good Prescription " or " Wrong Treatment " & on Extending Statutory Retirement Age

  3. 根据劳工部长埃里克韦尔特(ericwoerth)宣布的这份计划,法国政府计划逐步提高法定退休年龄,将退休年龄从目前的60岁提高至2018年的62岁。

    Under a plan unveiled by Eric Woerth , the Labour minister , France intends to raise the legal retirement age progressively from 60 to 62 by 2018 .

  4. 我国企业职工法定退休年龄研究

    Research on the Retirement Age of Employee in China

  5. 65岁的法定退休年龄

    the mandatory retirement age of 65 .

  6. 对延长法定退休年龄的几点思考

    Reflection on Lengthening Lawful Retiring Age

  7. 提高法定退休年龄;

    Adjust upwards legal retirement age ;

  8. 研究发布正值英国计划将法定退休年龄提高到将近70岁。

    The research comes amid moves to edge the British state pension age closer to 70 .

  9. 英国政府打算在2010年至2020年间将女性的法定退休年龄提高至65岁。

    The government intends to increase the state pension age to 65 for women between 2010 and 2020 .

  10. 而在匈牙利,养老金削减了8%,同时提高了法定退休年龄。

    In Hungary , pensions have been cut by 8 per cent and the retirement age has been raised .

  11. 如果这个提案在议会上通过,那么只差5年到达法定退休年龄55岁的人都还是青年。

    If passed by parliament , that would put youths within five years of Kenya 's official retirement age of55 .

  12. 许多人在超过法定退休年龄后仍继续工作,因为来自养老金界定供款计划的收入有所下降。

    Many stay in work beyond state retirement age because of the decline in incomes from defined contributions pension schemes .

  13. 目前我国企事业单位在为职工办理退休时仍依据1958年有关法定退休年龄的规定。

    Now the enterprises and offices still arrange the retirement for the staffs on the1958 's regulations about lawful retiring age .

  14. 但令人惊讶的是,有多少美国人选择或被迫在过了法定退休年龄后继续工作。

    But what is striking is how many Americans choose – or are forced – to work after official retirement age .

  15. 失业人员领取失业保险金期间,达到法定退休年龄的,还能领取失业保险金吗?

    During unemployed personnel gets unemployed insurance gold , reach legal and emeritus age , can you still get unemployed insurance gold ?

  16. 文章全面分析了延迟法定退休年龄的必要性和可行性,并提出了延迟法定退休年龄的政策建议。

    The paper analyzes the necessity and feasibility of postponing the statutory retirement age comprehensively , and gives some advice on it .

  17. 首先要对提前退休进行惩罚,提高实际退休年龄,然后逐步提高法定退休年龄。

    Early effective retirement should be punished , so that the effective retirement age can be raised and then the statutory retirement age .

  18. 法定退休年龄在2011年被逐步取消,根据这一法定政策,雇主本可以强迫员工在65岁退休。

    The default retirement age ( DFA ), under which employers could force workers to retire at 65 , was phased out in 2011 .

  19. 养老保险支出政策涉及诸多方面,包括养老保险对工资替代率的设计,法定退休年龄的确定,支付方式的选择,等等。

    The policy of social pension insurance payment involves many aspects : the benefit standard , the retiring age and payment way , and so on .

  20. 由此可见,在达到法定退休年龄前,中断或终止缴费的都要吃大亏。

    This shows , before reaching legal and emeritus age , interrupt or stop what capture expends to want to eat to have a deficit greatly .

  21. 近日,一名官方研究人员表示,我国将于2017年出台延迟法定退休年龄的方案,以减轻人口老龄化带来的压力

    China will set a plan to raise the statutory retirement age in 2017 to relieve pressures from an aging population , an official researcher said .

  22. 我国现行的社会保障政策与法定退休年龄使得个人养老金收支盈亏及领取水平有很大的差异,并导致高龄退休人员相对贫困化。

    Our country current social security policy and legal retirement age make the profit and loss of personal pension very difference , and pauperize the retired senility .

  23. 该委员会提议调高法定退休年龄,削减政府医保,并限制一些深得人心的税收减免措施,例如减免抵押贷款利息的资格。

    The Commission proposed raising the state pension age , curbing government healthcare and limiting popular tax breaks such as the ability to deduct interest paid on mortgages .

  24. 法定退休年龄,是国家法律、法规规定的,解除劳动者劳动义务,开始享受养老保险待遇的年龄界限。

    Legal and emeritus age , state law , code sets , remove laborer labor is compulsory , begin to enjoy the age limit of endowment insurance pay .

  25. 上述人员中到我国境内就业时已达到我国法定退休年龄的,可以免缴我国基本养老保险费和失业保险费,也不享受我国相关的社会保险待遇。

    Above personnel who reached the statutory retirement age can be exempted from payment of pension and unemployment , and also be exempted from enjoying related social insurance benefits .

  26. 这就意味着:提高法定退休年龄,重新制定退休金计划;有序调整用以抑制铺张浪费的预算制度;支出削减优于税收增加。

    That means raising retirement ages and overhauling pensions ; putting in place the budget rules and institutions that will curb future profligacy ; and favouring spending cuts over tax increases .

  27. 而我国现行的法定退休年龄已实施了60年,早已不适应时代发展的需要,急需对此进行改革。

    While in China , the existing system of statutory retirement age needs to be reformed urgently because it has been implemented for60 years , and cannot keep up with the times anymore .

  28. 考虑到人口老龄化对我国未来经济发展、劳动力市场和养老金支付等方面的深刻影响,有关延长法定退休年龄的问题已经引起了学者的广泛关注和争论。

    The population aging of China will deeply influence future economic development , labor market and pension payment . The extended legal and emeritus age issue has caused wide attention of scholars and argument .

  29. 但是法定退休年龄规定男性的退休年龄为60岁,女性为50岁(公务员是55岁)这自从1951年来没有变过,但相比现在中国的人均73岁的预期寿命,当时的人均寿命预期只有46岁。

    But the official age of 60 for men and 50 for women ( 55 for civil servants ) has not changed since 1951 , when average life expectancy was 46 compared with today 's 73 .

  30. 当然,并非所有人都在法定退休年龄退休,尤其是如果他们的养老金不充裕的话,但仔细观察中国人的实际退休年龄能够很清晰地展现出改革空间。

    Not everyone , of course , retires at the official retirement age , particularly if their pension is inadequate , but a closer look at the ages Chinese people actually do retire at vividly illustrates the scope for change .