
fǎ lǜ yuán zhù
  • legal aid
  1. 法律援助机构通常可以帮助引荐到其他类型的机构去。

    Legal Aid can often provide referral to other types of agencies

  2. 法律援助制度应该面向更多人。

    The legal aid system should be accessible to more people

  3. 我们将为您提供最高5,000美元的法律援助金。

    We shall offer you assistance with legal expenses up to $ 5,000 .

  4. 你若想让法律援助多少发挥点作用,只有充分利用这一制度。

    You get anywhere with legal aid only by playing the system for all it is worth .

  5. 如果走到那个地步,简也许能得到法律援助去打官司。

    If she gets that far , Jane may get legal aid to take her case to court

  6. LegalAid法律援助(指对无钱聘请律师或进行诉讼者给予的专业法律援助)如果走到那个地步,简也许能得到法律援助去打官司。

    If she gets that far , Jane may get legal aid to take her case to court .

  7. 然而,从事公共服务工作的律师们,比如公设辩护律师或法律援助(LegalAid)律师,虽然赚钱最少,在调查中却更倾向于报告自己生活得挺开心。

    However , lawyers in public-service jobs who made the least money , like public defenders or Legal Aid attorneys , were most likely to report being happy .

  8. 在现代英国,法律援助(legalaid)制度是被认为是法律服务的相关制度,包含着刑事、民事等多方面的内容。

    In England , legal aid is considered as one part of the system of legal services . It includes criminal and civil litigation service and so on .

  9. 随着免费法律援助时间减少,美国律师协会(AmericanBarAssociation)和其他团体正在探所新的方式招募律师志愿者来帮助有需要的人们处理复杂的法律事务。

    As free legal hours fall , the American Bar Association and other groups are trying to come up with new ways to enlist lawyers to assist in navigating the court system .

  10. 为此,上个月美国律师协会举办了首个全美法律援助峰会(NationalProBonoSummit),探索提高律师参与度的新方式。

    In response , the ABA held its first national pro bono summit last month to explore new ways to ramp up lawyer participation .

  11. 德国小报《图片报》(Bild)关注的是大众在美国需要的法律援助。

    The tabloid newspaper Bild concentrates on the legal assistance VW will need in the US .

  12. 刑事被害人法律援助权之完善

    On the Improvement of the Legal Aid System for Criminal Victims

  13. 论农民工法律援助工作中的法律冲突与思考

    The Conflict of Laws in Providing Legal Aid for Migrant Works

  14. 法律援助不包括裁判庭代表的费用。

    No legal aid was available to cover representation before tribunals .

  15. 不断探索创新进一步完善法律援助制度

    Further Perfecting the Legal Aid System by Constant Exploration and Innovation

  16. 论法律援助法的总则构建

    On the Construction of the General Part of Legal Aid Law

  17. 成员将收到的有关法律援助的意见传达给本局以供讨论。

    Members convey views received concerning legal aid for Council deliberation .

  18. 现代法律援助制度充分体现着国家责任。

    The contemporary legal aid system fully reflects the state responsibility .

  19. 法律援助机构与法律援助人员之间的法律关系;

    Legal relationship between legal aid agencies and legal aid providers ;

  20. 美国法律援助制度简介

    Brief Introduction to the Legal Aid System of the United States

  21. 中国法律援助制度的雏形基本形成

    Embryonic Form of China 's Legal Aid System Initially Takes Shape

  22. 中国法律援助制度的现状及其完善

    The Present Situation and the Improvement of Legal Aid System in China

  23. 法律援助制度。政府审计职责法律制度的实证分析

    Law Office . Empirical analysis of legal system of government audit responsibility

  24. 2006年法律援助工作统计分析

    The Statistical Analysis of the Legal Aid Work in 2006

  25. 构建基层法律援助制度的思考

    Reflections on the Establishment of a Local Legal Aid System

  26. 我当过两年法律援助律师。

    I was a legal aide lawyer for two years .

  27. 办理刑事法律援助的总开支为9400万元。

    Total expenditure on criminal cases was $ 94 million .

  28. 为法律援助名册赋予法律或行政制裁;

    The legal or administrative sanction providing for legal aid panel listing ;

  29. 关于刑事法律援助的调研报告

    A Survey Report on Legal Aid Granted to Criminal Cases

  30. 法律援助进社区及司法所在其中的作用

    Community Legal Aid and the Role Judicial Administrative Station Plays In It