
  • 网络low-income family
  1. 目的:了解浙江省农村低保户卫生保健状况及医疗卫生费用。

    Objective To learn the health status of the residents of low-income family in Zhejiang province .

  2. 方法:采用分层整群抽样,抽取浙江省开展新型农村合作医疗的试点县和非试点县343户低保户进行了入户调查。

    Method Using stratified - cluster sampling method , we interviewed with 343 low-income family at their home .

  3. 浙江省农村低保户农民卫生保健状况调查

    Health Status of Farmers of Low-income Families in Zhejiang Province

  4. 每年应对低保户资格进行一到两次核查。

    The families receiving allowances will have qualifications checked once or twice a year .

  5. 第四章从社会支持的角度具体探讨低保户贫困原因。

    The forth chapter , explores the reason of poverty from the perspective of Social support .

  6. 刘大爷从外地来此打工,学得一手理发技术的他发现,这一带低保户、贫困户较多。

    Uncle Liu came here as a migrant worker ; he found that there were many low-income families here .

  7. 类似常见灾害一旦发生,对于低保户而言,就是灭顶之灾。

    Similar to the common disaster in the event , for the purposes of guaranteeing that families , is drowned .

  8. 农村五保户、低保户参合基金由民政部门筹措解决。

    Country 5 protect door , low protect a ginseng to add up to fund to raise money by civil administration branch solve .

  9. 现行城市居民最低生活保障标准仅能满足低保户的生存需要,保障范围过于狭窄;

    The current urbanite 's minimum living guarantee standard can only meet the living needs of low insurance families , and its ensure range is too narrow ;

  10. 第二部分,叙述了低保户子女在受教育过程中所面临的现实状况,尤其是对高额收费这一现状进行了细致的描述。

    The second part , describes the low education process by their children in households facing the reality of high fees , especially on the current situation of the detail description .

  11. 第三部分揭示了低保户子女难以承受当前教育阶段的收费重担这一窘境,并阐述了政府应加大针对低保户子女受教育在政策上的扶持力度。

    The third part reveals the low current education children unbearable jehu charges a stage of burdens , and expounds the dilemma for the governments should strengthen education in household children gets residents support strength in the policy .

  12. 因此,常见自然灾害对于他们的生存发展影响有限;但是,对于农村低保户而言,他们生存权益的主要威胁就是常见的自然灾害。

    Therefore , the common natural disasters for their limited impact on survival and development ; However , for rural households in terms of guaranteeing their survival is a major threat to the interests of common natural disasters .

  13. 这些低保户家庭子女由于家庭经济条件的限制,生活中更容易面临生存和发展的风险、艰辛、困苦,在这些无奈环境中,教育问题又是他们面临的能够摆脱世代贫困的核心问题。

    These subsidies families children because the family economic conditions , life easier to limit facing the risk of survival and development , in these risks , the education problem is the core of whom they will face .

  14. 而本文则以社会支持理论为支撑,从社会支持的角度对当前农村社会的贫困现状进行分析。主要通过对农村低保对象的调查,分析了低保户的社会支持现状。

    And this paper takes the theory of social support to analysis of poverty situation in the village , through a survey of low income households and analyze the life situation , poverty characteristics and social support of low households .

  15. ;第四部分深入分析了我们应从教育保障目标、保障策略和心理支持等方面入手,来采取有效措施改变低保户子女受教育阶段所面临的困境,从而使他们真正享有公平的受教育权利。

    The fourth part deeply analyzed the education security goals , we should guarantee strategies and psychological support aspects , to take effective measures to change subsidies by education stage door children facing trouble , so they really enjoy the education rights by fair .

  16. 通过构建低保资金需求模型,计算低保户的补助资金需求,并与实际的补差数额比较,得出目前补差水平偏低的结论。

    By building minimum living security fund demand model , to calculate the demand for subsidies for household subsistence allowances , and to compare with the actual amount of makeup , we come to the conclusion of the current low level of the makeup .