
  • 网络the Beveridge Report;The Beveridge's Report
  1. 《贝弗里奇报告》与英国福利国家的建设

    Beveridge Report and the Process of British Welfare Building

  2. 援助导向保障:福利国家社会建设的轴心&《贝弗里奇报告》的地位与影响

    Security-oriented Aid : the Axis of Social Construction of Welfare States & The Status and Influence of Beveridge Report

  3. 凯恩斯主义的福利思想和《贝弗里奇报告》是英国福利型社会保障制度建立的两大理论基石。艾德礼工党政府据此建立的福利国家成为英国社会保障制度进入福利型阶段的标志。

    Keynesian welfare ideology and the " Beveridge Report " is the United Kingdom to enter the stage of social security benefits established by the two theoretical foundation .