
  • 网络bertelsmann;Bertelsmann AG;BMG;BOL;bol.com.cn
  1. 其支持者包括联想投资(LegendCapital)、愉悦资本(JoyCapital)和贝塔斯曼亚洲投资基金(BertelsmannAsiaInvestmentFund)。

    Its backers include Legend Capital , Joy Capital , and Bertelsmann Asia Investment Fund .

  2. 在北京的一家法式餐厅里,他们向贝塔斯曼集团中国区各家公司的CEO们询问了职业和创新理念的问题。

    They asked the CEOs of Bertelsmann China companies about careers and innovative ideas at a French restaurant in Beijing .

  3. 在A轮融资中,她们从贝塔斯曼数字媒体投资公司(BertelsmannDigitalMediaInvestments)等风投机构那里融资200万美元。

    The pair raised $ 2 million in a Series A funding round from Bertelsmann Digital Media Investments and others to become a digital foodie force .

  4. 他们分成五个小组,每组与一位CEO坐在一起。这些CEO都是来自跨国传媒公司贝塔斯曼集团旗下的各个公司。

    They divided into five groups and each team sat at a table with a CEO from one of the companies of the Bertelsmann group , a transnational media corporation .

  5. 这组学生凭借在2012“贝塔斯曼校园达人”(TalentMeetsBertelsmann,以下简称TMB)商业策划大赛中的创业展示,最终晋级决赛,从而获得了邀请。

    The group got their invites by displaying entrepreneurship in the Talents Meets Bertelsmann ( TMB ) China workshop 2012 to enter the final .

  6. 贝塔斯曼首席执行官瀚韬(thomasrabe)认为,两家公司签订了“有约束力的合同”。

    Thomas Rabe , chief executive of Bertelsmann , said the two companies had signed " binding contracts " .

  7. 今年由跨国传媒大鳄&贝塔斯曼集团组织的TMB(中国)商业策划大赛的决赛,于7月11日到12日期间在北京举办。

    The final of this year 's TMB China workshop , organized by Bertelsmann AG , the transnational media giant , was held from July 11 to 12 in Beijing .

  8. 新模式通过对比国际业内领跑者如TNT和国内直销行业的成功企业如贝塔斯曼,通过他们的业务开展和运行模式分析,将中国邮政在直复营销行业的开展模式进行优化。

    As a result of the comparison between the internal leader like TNT and domestic forerunner like Bertelsmann in service development and operation mode , the new mode optimizes the development mode of postal DM in China .

  9. 论贝塔斯曼图书销售业务在中国的失败

    On the Reasons for Bertelsmann 's Book Sale Failure in China

  10. 贝塔斯曼中国书友会案例分析及其启示

    The Analysis of Cases in Bertelsmann China Book Club and Its Significance

  11. 贝塔斯曼在中国和德国的代表人士都拒绝发表评论。

    Bertelsmann representatives in China and Germany declined to comment .

  12. 这次大赛的获胜者将会飞往贝塔斯曼德国总部参观。

    Winners will fly to Germany to visit HQ

  13. 北京贝塔斯曼建设信息公司广州办事处

    Bertelsmann CIS Co. , Ltd. - Guangzhou Office

  14. 展台前,读者对贝塔斯曼的产品兴趣浓厚。

    DG booth is crowded with readers who show immense interest in our products .

  15. 外资企业在中国图书市场营销的浅析&以贝塔斯曼为例再次谢谢您!

    The sample analysis in China books marketing to foreign-capital enterprise . & as Bertelsmann .

  16. 这项调查由德国马歇尔基金会和贝塔斯曼基金会发布。

    The survey has been published by the German Marshall Fund and the Bertelsmann Foundation .

  17. 据贝塔斯曼公司透露,已经和小唱片公司达成了协议。

    According to Bertelsmann , a number of agreements have been reached with small record companies .

  18. 更关键的是,贝塔斯曼最终选择了在中国照搬法国经营直营店的经验。

    More crucial is that Bertelsmann decided to copy the French business in China Guide experience .

  19. 在德国仍保留音乐业务的贝塔斯曼正在大幅削减总体规模。

    Bertelsmann , while retaining a music-industry presence in Germany , is drastically reducing its exposure to the troublesome business .

  20. 前几年贝塔斯曼集团在中国推行的书友会业务取得了成功便是一个例子。

    An excellent example is the Bertelsmann Group , which set up a book club in China several years ago .

  21. 他们将会飞往德国参观贝塔斯曼总部,并参加于12月举行的学生挑战赛。

    They will fly to Germany to visit Bertelsmann 's headquarters and take part in the Student Challenge event in December .

  22. 培生高管表示,与贝塔斯曼的协议并不包含分手条款,表明他们对此次交易的信心。

    Pearson executives said the deal with Bertelsmann had been signed without break clauses , reflecting their confidence in the transaction .

  23. 贝塔斯曼已经准备将直接集团的美国分公司出售。该分公司的年收入大约10亿美元。

    Bertelsmann has put its US arm of Direct Group , which has annual revenue of about $ 1bn , up for sale .

  24. 他们将会飞往德国参观贝塔斯曼总部,并参加于12月举行的“学生挑战赛”。

    They will fly to Germany to visit Bertelsmann 's headquarters and take part in the " Student Challenge " event in December .

  25. 就读于清华大学自动化专业、24岁的王泽源(音译)向贝塔斯曼中国控股有限公司总经理安娜贝拉•龙讨教了一番。

    Wang Zeyuan , 24 , an automation major from Tsinghua University , quizzed Annabelle Long , chief executive of Bertelsmann China Corporate Center .

  26. 出版商为兰登书屋旗下的阿尔弗雷德A克诺夫青少年读物出版社。兰登书屋目前为德国贝塔斯曼集团所有。

    It will be published by Alfred A.Knopf Books for Young Readers , a division of Random House , which is owned by Germany 's Bertelsmann AG .

  27. 目前双方尚未达成协议,会谈并不必然导致合并交易。贝塔斯曼拒绝了记者的置评请求,该公司高级管理层目前正在中国。

    The companies have not reached agreement and there is no certainty that the discussions will lead to a transaction . Bertelsmann , whose top executives are in China , declined to comment .

  28. 在中国,直接集团的收入不足整个集团所有业务的25%。贝塔斯曼决定解散整个部门,而不是将其出售。

    In China , where Direct Group made up less than 25 per cent of the firm 's overall business , Bertelsmann decided to disband the group rather than look for a buyer .

  29. 外国的贝塔斯曼、兰登书屋,国内的商务印书馆、三联书店等企业都借助自身的品牌优势体现了强大的市场竞争力。

    The publishing companies , such as Bertelsmann , Random House aborad , Commercial Press , Zhong Hua Book Company , Joint Publishing Company , they all have strong market competitiveness with their own brands .

  30. 据三名熟悉谈判情况的知情人士透露,会谈的焦点是进行合并,贝塔斯曼在合并后企业中拥有的股份将高于50%。知情人士警告称,谈判仍有破裂的可能。

    Discussions have focused on a tie-up in which Bertelsmann would have a stake of more than 50 per cent , according to three people familiar with the negotiations , who warned that talks could still fall apart .