
  • 网络best buy
  1. 巨型零售商也加入了这一行列:K市场,百思买集团和沃尔玛都提供为为办理银行业务的顾客设立了代付站点。

    Big-box retailers are getting in on the act , too : K-Mart , Best Buy and Walmart all offer bill-paying stations to their unbanked customers .

  2. 但是包括零售业巨头沃尔玛和百思买集团在内的其他公司都对该系统不感冒,因为它阻碍了对于顾客购买喜好的跟踪调查。

    But other outfits , including retail giants Walmart and Best Buy , have rejected the Apple Pay technology because it prevents them from tracking customer-purchasing preferences .

  3. 以明尼阿波利斯为总部的公司说它将为了其百思买集团代销店探索更多有利润的选项并且计划重开他们中的两个。

    The Minneapolis-based company says it will explore more profitable options for its Best Buy-branded outlets and plans to reopen two of them .

  4. 虽然不能从百思买集团哪里买到VisWall,但在视觉研究中心,也就是塔夫斯大学你可以一探究竟。

    You can 't get it at Best Buy though , you have to go to the Tufts University in a place called the Center for Scientific Visualization .