
  • 网络the blackstone group;Blackstone
  1. 其合作伙伴包括百仕通集团(TheBlackstoneGroup)的大卫•布里策和对冲基金经理阿特•鲁贝尔。

    His partners include David Blitzer of the Blackstone Group ( BX ) and hedge fund manager art wrubel .

  2. 这四家私募公司是:贝恩资本(BainCapital),百仕通集团(TheBlackstoneGroup),银湖合伙基金(SilverLakePartners)和TPG资本(TPGCapital)。

    The four firms are : Bain Capital , the Blackstone Group ( BX ) , Silver Lake partners and TPG capital .

  3. 预计百仕通集团(Blackstone)也将与西蒙联手,并可能向阿布扎比投资局(AbuDhabiInvestmentAuthority)等投资者求助,以获得更大的财务实力。

    Blackstone is also expected to join forces with Simon and may turn to investors such as the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority for additional financial firepower .

  4. 如果雅虎拒绝此次交易,那么阿里巴巴和软银或将按照我们之前讨论的,和私募基金贝恩资本(BainCapital)以及百仕通集团(TheBlackstoneGroup)合作,联手收购雅虎。

    Were Yahoo to reject the deal , then Alibaba and Softbank may proceed with a previously-discussed bid to buy all of Yahoo , in concert with private equity firms Bain Capital and the Blackstone Group ( BX ) .

  5. aig已经聘请了百仕通集团(blackstone)和摩根大通(jpmorgan)担任此次资产剥离的顾问,但麦智信透露,aia在未来几天可能会任命更多投行顾问。

    AIG has hired Blackstone and JPMorgan to advise on the divestments , but Mr Wilson revealed that AIA could appoint more investment banking advisers in the coming days .

  6. 另有报道称,贝恩资本(BainCapital)和百仕通集团(BlackstoneGroup)正准备以250亿美元全盘接手雅虎,与之联手收购的是阿里巴巴和软银(Softbank,雅虎日本的共同拥有人)。

    There also are reports that Bain Capital and the Blackstone Group are prepping a $ 25 billion takeover offer for the entire company , in partnership with Alibaba and Softbank ( which is co-owner of Yahoo Japan ) .

  7. 卸任后不久,阿齐兹即移居伦敦,现任英国连锁酒店千禧国敦酒店集团(MillenniumandCopthorneHotels)董事和百仕通集团(BlackstoneGroup)顾问。

    He took up residence in London soon after and now serves on the board of the British Hotel Chain millennium and Copthorne Hotels , and as an advisor to the Blackstone Group ( BX ) .

  8. 2007年稍晚些时候,百仕通集团上市,他将7亿美元的年薪收入囊中,再加上他享用每只400美元的石蟹的奢华作风,一时间施瓦茨曼声名狼藉。

    Later that year , Schwartzman would become infamous as much for his $ 400 stone crab taste as the nearly $ 700 million he pocketed in Blackstone 's IPO .