
dǐnɡ huī tóu zī
  • CDH Investments
  1. 今年早些时候,奇瑞汽车有限公司(CheryAutomobileCo.)获得了鼎晖投资(CDHInvestments)和渤海产业投资基金管理公司(BohaiIndustrialInvestmentFundManagementCo.)管理的人民币计价私募基金的投资。

    Earlier this year , Chery Automobile Co. secured backing from yuan-denominated private equity funds managed by CDH Investments and Bohai Industrial Investment Fund Management Co.

  2. 象奇瑞汽车这样的公司可能会成为上市公司,并会给私募股权投资者如渤海产业基金和鼎晖投资提供了丰厚回报。

    Companies like Chery Automotive will probably become public companies and provide rich rewards for private equity investors Bohai Industrial Fund and CDH Investments .

  3. 参与窝窝团首轮盛大融资的投资者包括鼎晖投资(CDHVentures)、高盛(GoldmanSachs)、天佑投资(SkyBlessingInvestment)和清科(Zero2IPOVentures)。

    Investors in this massive series a round included CDH ventures , Goldman Sachs , sky blessing investment and Zero2IPO ventures .

  4. 今天,华道已经发展成为中国本土规模最大、服务链条最全的金融BPO企业,股东包括以鼎晖投资在内的四家全球基金。

    Today , CDG has become China 's largest BPO provider with the most comprehensive service-chain , whose shareholders including CDH and other three global funds .

  5. 王功权于2005年加入鼎晖投资,并在2006年创建了鼎晖创业投资基金。

    Wang joined CDH Investment in 2005 and set up CDH Venture in 2006 .

  6. 鼎晖投资的一名发言人拒绝置评。

    A CDH spokesperson declined to comment .

  7. 鼎晖投资拥有双汇约三分之一的股权,而高盛以及另外几个私人投资者拥有20%的股权。

    CDH owns about one-third of the company , while Goldman and a handful of other private investors own a further 20 per cent .

  8. 鼎晖投资发布的公开信表示王功权“只是要离开休息一段时间,对鼎晖的风险投资和私募股权投资两部分业务影响不大。”

    CDH issued a letter saying that Wang " is taking some time off and that both the venture and private equity fund were operating normally . "

  9. 本周一深夜,鼎晖投资合伙人王功权通过微博宣布和情人私奔,全国上下顿时一片哗然。

    Wang Gongquan , co-founder of CDH Investment , raised eyebrows in China after posting plans to elope with his mistress on his microblog late Monday night .

  10. 李玮栋表示,我不相信这种传言,因为鼎晖投资的管理团队非常稳固,所以我认为王功权不会出于工作原因另立门户。

    " I don ` t buy the rumor since the management team of CDH Investment have been quite stable , so I don ` t think Wang would like to set up another company due to work-related reasons ," Li .

  11. 鼎晖风险投资下的创投基金,在福布斯中国最佳风险投资排行榜中排名第五位。

    CDH Venture , CDH ` s venture capital arm , is ranked by Forbes as the fifth best venture capital company in China .