
dǐng gé
  • change of a dynasty;change a dynasty;change of dynasties
鼎革 [dǐng gé]
  • [change of dynasties] 建立新的,革除旧的。旧时多指改朝换代

鼎革[dǐng gé]
  1. 明清鼎革与中国古代科学近代化进程的中断

    The Replacement of Ming Dynasty By Qing Dynasty And the Breaking Off of Ancient Chinese Scientific Modernization

  2. 朱舜水身处明清鼎革之际,因时局的深刻影响,在他的思想中包含有大量对社会建设的理性思考。

    Because of the deep influence of the political situation , his thoughts contains a lot of rational thinking of social construction .

  3. 归庄身处明清鼎革之际,其文学思想的发展演变也具有鲜明的时代特点。

    Gui Zhuang in the Ming and Qing Dynasties , the thinking of its literary evolution also has distinctive characteristics of the times .

  4. 而民的素质问题至辛亥鼎革仍未解决,又遗留到民国。

    The issue of the quality of the people had not been resolved by the time of the Chinese Revolution of 1911 , and remained into the Republican era .

  5. 他于明清鼎革之后不惜抛家舍业,四处奔波联络抗清志士。

    After the Ming and Qing Dynasties changed , he did not hesitate to throw the dwellings industry and rushed about in all directions to contact the anti-Qing person of integrity .

  6. 拟就李自成系列时事小说作分析,探讨这些身处鼎革的作者们,如何借小说以表达他们的关注与思考。

    This article analyzes series fictions about Li Zi-cheng , discusses how the writers express their attention and thought in different dynasties , which were based on the description of their fictions .

  7. 宋末士子在经历了空前的鼎革动乱之后,对杜甫“诗史”精神有了比唐人更为深刻的认识。

    After they experienced the prodigious Reform Turbulence , the Song scholars had a more profound awareness of the Spirit of the historical poems of Du Fu than the people in the Tang dynasty .

  8. 明清鼎革一直是我国历史研究中的重要课题,在中韩关系史研究中亦占据着特殊地位。

    The dynastic change from Ming to Qing is one of the most important topics in historic studies in China and abroad . It also takes a special role in the research field of history of Sino-Korean relationship .

  9. 但是,由于明清鼎革导致了政权更迭,由此所造成的一系列后果成为中国传统科学近代化进程中断的一个不可忽视的重要因素。

    But the change of political power led by that Ming Dynasty replaced by Qing Dynasty caused a series of consequences , which was a main factor that can not be neglected of the breaking off of Chinese scientific modernization .

  10. 王夫之《龙舟会》杂剧的创作,体现了作者肯定政治中兴的历史观念、忠君怀国的历史评价标准、进步的妇女问题史观,显示了作者对明清鼎革历史的独有认识。

    Dragon Boat Competition by WANG Fu-zhi expressed his historical views on polity resurgence , loyalty to the emperor and the state , and on the position of women , reflecting his unique understanding of the dynastic change of the Ming and the Qing .

  11. 事实表明,历史小说作家只有具备开放的文化视角和健康的民族文化心态,其明清鼎革和近代转型的历史书写才能获取富有现代性的崭新突破。

    The fact shows that only by an opening cultural perspective and a healthy national cultural mood , can the authors of historical novel gain a modern and new breakthrough in their historical writing of the evolution of Ming and Qing Dynasties and the transformation in modern time .