
  • 网络dinghu mountain;Dinghu Mount
  1. 降雨、温度、凋落物、植物根系以及微生物的活动等因素可能是鼎湖山混交林土壤pH值季节动态变化的主要因素。

    The reason for these phenomena was probably the co-operation of the precipitation , temperature , litter fall and soil microbes .

  2. 用静态箱-气相色谱法对鼎湖山针阔叶混交林的地表CH4通量进行了为期一年的原位观测和研究。

    In situ CH4 flux from soil of coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest in Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve was measured for one year by using static chamber-gas chromatograph technique .

  3. 研究鼎湖山地带性植被厚壳桂属(Cryptocarya)群落种间联结15年的变化,以期揭示该群落随时间演替过程中种间关系的变化情况。

    A 15-year change of interspecific association of zonal vegetation , Cryptocarya community , was studied .

  4. 在0.5h尺度上,表层土壤热通量与2.5h前的冠层净辐射回归方程相关性最好,达极显著水平,说明鼎湖山针阔混交林土壤热通量对冠层净辐射的反馈要延滞约2.5h。

    Significant correlations between the surface soil heat flux and net radiation above the canopy measured 2.5 h earlier were found , suggesting that response of the soil heat flux to the net radiation above the canopy could lag 2.5 h.

  5. 鼎湖山的野生药用蕨类植物

    Investigation of the Wild Ferns Medicinal Plants in Changbai Mountains

  6. 鼎湖山森林群落分析&Ⅷ生态优势度

    Analysis on Forest Communities of Dinghushan & ⅷ Ecological dominance

  7. 鼎湖山、尖峰岭和那大地区某些土壤的氧化还原状况

    Oxidation-reduction regime in some soils of dinghu / jianfeng mountains and Nada region

  8. 鼎湖山马尾松林群落生物量生产对人为干扰的响应

    Response of biomass production to human impacts in a pine forest in subtropical China

  9. 鼎湖山马尾松林植物养分积累动态及其对人为干扰的响应

    Nutrient dynamics in response to harvesting practices in a pine forest of subtropical China

  10. 介绍鼎湖山树木园的位置、气候条件等基本情况和建设规划。

    The location , climate and mast plan of Dinghushan Arboretum were described in this paper also .

  11. 鼎湖山森林土壤渗透水酸度和无机氮含量对模拟氮沉降增加的早期响应

    Acidity and Inorganic Nitrogen Concentrations in Soil Solution in Short-term Response to N Addition in Subtropical Forests

  12. 鼎湖山退化马尾松林、混交林和季风常绿阔叶林土壤全磷和有效磷的比较

    Phosphorus availability of soils under degraded pine , mixed and monsoon evergreen broadleaf forests of subtropical China

  13. 阐述了鼎湖山季风常绿阔叶林小气候特征与空旷地的差异,并分析了这些差异产生的原因。

    The differences of microclimate between monsoon evergreen broad leaves forest and bare land was analyzed in this paper .

  14. 广东省鼎湖山钼矿区亚气生蓝藻的反射光谱特性

    The characteristics of reflection spectrum in subaerial blue green algae in Ding Hu Mo ore field , Guangdong Province

  15. 对鼎湖山自然保护区外来植物入侵的监测和研究表明,鼎湖山的外来维管植物占所有维管植物种类的比例已达23%。

    According to the monitoring and study conducted in Dinghushan nature reserve , nonnative species take account of23 % of all vascular plant species .

  16. 鼎湖山季风常绿阔叶林林下层3种优势树种游离氨基酸和蛋白质对模拟氮沉降的响应

    Effects of simulated N deposition on free amino acids and soluble protein of three dominant understory species in a monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest of subtropical China

  17. 位于广东省的中国科学院鼎湖山森林研究站的周国逸领导了这项研究,他说,知道了这一点,拥有丰富原始森林的发展中国家可以要求发达国家通过全球碳贸易的方式做出补偿。

    Knowing this , developing countries with abundant old-growth forest cover could ask rich countries for compensation through the global carbon trade , said team leader Guoyi Zhou .

  18. 土壤中微生物量高的土壤中,有机碳含量也相应高,两者的比值可反应土壤碳的积累或损失,研究表明,鼎湖山3种主要植被类型土壤均处于碳积累过程;

    Higher soil Cmic was accompanied by higher soil organic carbon ( Corg ) . The ratios of Cmic to Corg , which indicate the accumulation or loss of soil carbon , showed that soil carbon was in the stage of accumulation in all three forests in the present study .