
jié kè rén
  • Czech;Czechoslovakian
  1. 她在逃亡时嫁给一个捷克人。

    She got married while fleeing to a czech .

  2. 他是个鬼魂附身的捷克人。

    He 's this obsessed czech .

  3. 与德国人、挪威人、希腊人、捷克人、以色列人、意大利人比较,CD14基因多态性差异存在显著性(P<0.05)。

    Compared with Germans , Norwegians , Greeks , Czechs , Israel , Italians populations , the CD14 polymorphism was significantly different ( P < 0.05 ) .

  4. 英语中,在“Czech”(捷克人)一词普遍使用之前,人们常常用“Bohemian”(波希米亚人)来表示捷克人或者捷克语。

    The word " Bohemian " used to denote the Czech people as well as the Czech language before the word " Czech " became prevalent in English .

  5. 而这种做法的确有效。“捷克人养成了很强的阅读习惯,即便在今天,会上图书馆的人买书也更多,一年下来平均会买11本书。”捷克国家图书馆附设图书馆学中心的主任维特‧李希特(VitRichter)表示。

    And it worked . " Czechs developed a strong reading habit , and even today , those who visit libraries buy more books - 11 a year , on average - than others , " said Vit Richter , director of the Librarianship Institute of the Czech National Library .

  6. 老人将占到三分之一的捷克人。

    Seniors will make up one third of the Czech population .

  7. 有几个波兰人和捷克人的侨民社区。

    There were several expatriate communities of poles and czechs .

  8. 新艺术派的代表人物是捷克人阿尔方斯。

    Art Nouveau is the representative of the people of the Czech Alphonse .

  9. 捷克人不喜欢与人起冲突。在进行商务交易时,他们通常会采用间接方式来回应。

    Czechs are non-confrontational and often take an indirect approach to business dealings .

  10. 不可否认,你们捷克人是一个有勇气、有作为的民族。

    There 's no denying you 're a spunky little bunch , you Czechs .

  11. 捷克人认为,自由与繁荣遭受的危害要远甚于气候。

    The Czechs feel that freedom and prosperity are much more endangered than the climate .

  12. 乍一看,我的理论似乎在这个不诚实的捷克人身上失效了。

    At first sight , my theory does appear to collapse with the crooked Czech .

  13. 一般来说,捷克人愿意付出与他们的预期收益对等的条件,通常不接受讨价还价。

    Czechs generally offer what they expect to get and do not often give counter-offers .

  14. 捷克人以每人每年132升摘得桂冠。

    The Czechs , at 132 liters per person per year , take that prize .

  15. 其他民族包括罗马人、捷克人、鲁赛尼亚人、乌克兰人、德国人和波兰人。

    Other ethnic groups include Roma , Czechs , Ruthenians , Ukrainians , Germans and Poles .

  16. 人口大多数是捷克人(95%),讲捷克语。

    The majority of the population are ethnically Czech ( 95 % ) and speak Czech .

  17. 过去10年,波兰人、匈牙利人和捷克人加入了合唱。

    In the past 10 years , Poles , Hungarians and Czechs have joined the chorus .

  18. 波兰人、匈牙利人、捷克人和其余民族应该被西方的制度拒之门外。

    Poles , Hungarians , Czechs and the rest should have been locked out of western institutions .

  19. 机上载有13名韩国人、名捷克人、名俄罗斯人和5名柬埔寨人。

    Thirteen South Koreans , three Czechs , a Russian and five Cambodians were on the plane .

  20. 捷克人认为热情好客是构建人际关系以及生意关系的一大桥梁。

    The Czechs value hospitality as a means through which to build both personal and business relationships .

  21. 然而,资本主义已在布拉格扎下了根,捷克人从来没有像现在这样消费过。

    However , capitalism has really taken hold in Prague and the Czechs are spending like never before .

  22. 与捷克人进行商务讨论过程中,别人在说活时,尽量不要插话,也不要提高说话音量。

    Do not interrupt or raise the level of your voice during business discussions with Czech business people .

  23. 一旦你们成为朋友,捷克人会变得开放一些,但也不会过于表露感情。

    Once you develop a personal relationship , Czechs open up a bit , but they are never overly emotional .

  24. 即使是惯于怀疑的捷克人似乎也减少了对这一货币俱乐部成员身份优越性的怀疑。

    Even the warhammer online gold sceptical Czechs seem less doubtful about the merits of membership of the currency club .

  25. 捷克人要通过多次商务会谈后才会和你慢慢熟识起来,之后的交谈会变得轻松友好。

    It will take several meetings for your Czech business associates to become familiar with you and appear comfortable and friendly .

  26. 捷克人有个根深蒂固、与生俱来的特点:礼貌,谦逊。

    One of the most underlying and inherent features of the Czech culture is their polite and humble approach to life .

  27. 而捷克人也显示了强大的实力,这也是他能晋身半决赛的原因。

    The man from the Czech Republic showed some of the sublime touch that carried him to the semi final stage .

  28. 在法国人和德国人发送的照片中,一半是面带笑容的,比斯洛文尼亚人和捷克人还要严肃。

    With fewer than half the French and Germans pictured smiling , they were more morose than the Slovenians and the Czechs .

  29. 在和捷克人洽谈商务时,最好先寒暄闲聊,进行自我介绍,然后再切入主题。

    Expect to participate in some form of small talk and introductory conversation before entering into business discussions with Czech business people .

  30. 对亨特大量的和解努力捷克人毫无回应,他对和解并未表现丝毫兴趣。

    The Czech international has not responded to hunt 's considerable efforts to make the peace and shown little interest in effecting a reconciliation .