
  • 网络Slovak;slovakian
  1. 自1993年分裂以来,一些斯洛伐克人留在捷克共和国境内,占据目前人口的2%。

    After the 1993 division , some Slovaks remained in the Czech Republic and comprise roughly 2 % of the current population .

  2. 正如博弈论所预测的,正统芬兰人党(TrueFinns)、斯洛伐克人、欧洲央行(ECB)、债权银行和其他方面的搭便车行为,使得对任何事情达成合理的一致都变得几乎不可能。

    As game theory predicts , free riding by the True Finns , the Slovaks , the European Central Bank , creditor banks and others has made it nearly impossible to reach a sensible agreement on anything .

  3. 然而如果就业机会停步不前,斯洛伐克人还会如此乐观么?

    But will Slovaks remain so upbeat if the jobs stop coming in ?

  4. 伤者包括七名德国人&其中包括五名妇女,一名奥地利男子和一名斯洛伐克人。

    The wounded included seven Germans & five of them are women , an Austrian man and a Slovak national .

  5. 大部分斯洛伐克人(68.9%)是罗马天主教。

    The majority of Slovak citizens ( 68.9 % ) practice Roman Catholicism ; the second-largest groups are people without confession ( 12.96 % ) .

  6. 许多斯洛伐克人对迪拉乔娃,这个保证财政责任和禁止人身攻击的牛津大学毕业的社会学家报以很高的期望。

    Many Slovaks had high hopes of Ms Radicova , an Oxford-educated sociology professor , who promised both fiscal responsibility and an end to sleaze .

  7. 能够在切尔西踢球是一种享受,我们把握了与斯洛伐克人对阵的机会,同时新的球员也已经得到了很好的适应。

    It 's great fun to play in the team , we used our chances against the Slovaks and the fresh players settled in very well .

  8. 扫描显示斯洛伐克人中卫伤到膝盖韧带,他将进一步检查后决定缺席多久,很可能缺席数月。

    Scans revealed that the Slovakian centre-back has damaged the knee ligament and he will have further tests to determine the length of his absence , likely to be several months .

  9. 调查显示,70%的法国人以及近70%的波兰人、义大利人和斯洛伐克人对中国经济的快速发展感到不安。

    Of the six European countries covered , 70 percent of people in France and only slightly fewer in Poland , Italy and Slovakia expressed jitters over China 's emerging economy .

  10. 阿格上赛季因脚伤缺阵导致老贝迫不得已签下了斯洛伐克人斯科特尔,这也使得阿格的出场时间变得十分有限。

    Agger , 24 , spent the majority of last season on the sidelines with a foot injury that caused Benitez to buy the Slovakian Martin Skrtel , which has further limited the Dane 's playing time .

  11. 最主要的人口是斯洛伐克人(86%)、匈牙利人是其他民族中人口最多的(10%),大约分布在南部和东部地区。

    The majority of the inhabitants of Slovakia are ethnically Slovak ( 86 % t ) . Hungarians are the largest ethnic minority ( 10 % ) and are concentrated in the southern and eastern regions of the country .

  12. 里约热内卢——德国人拉着行李进入奥运村;斯洛伐克人骄傲地伫立观看自己国家的国旗冉冉升起;贝宁代表团身穿黄色印花服装、头戴龙虾红的帽子摆姿势拍照。

    RIO DE JANEIRO - Germans rolled luggage into the Olympic Village , Slovaks stood proudly at the raising of their national flag , and a delegation from Benin posed for photos in yellow floral prints and lobster-red hats .

  13. 立陶宛是一个小国家,却有着悠久的历史,深厚的文化传统。此地居住的女人据称都出奇的美丽。这些立陶宛女子都有着斯洛伐克人和东欧人的双重基因,所以出奇的富有魅力。

    Lithuania is a tiny country that nonetheless has a rich history , customs and traditions 。 Women living there are considered to be of exceptional beauty 。 The genes that come from Slavic and Northern European nations make Lithuanian ladies stunningly attractive 。