
  • 网络Small;Andrew Small;Gary Small;Jim Small
  1. 斯莫尔(ScottSmall)是纽约哥伦比亚大学(ColumbiaUniversity)的一名阿兹海默氏症专家。他说,他可能会考虑让一些阿兹海默氏症患者使用维生素E进行治疗。

    Scott Small , an Alzheimer 's expert at Columbia University in New York who wasn 't involved in the research , said he might consider using vitamin E for some Alzheimer 's patients .

  2. 斯莫尔博士以前开展过的研究表明,运动能够增强年轻人海马体的功能。在他看来,也许运动量更大一点,才能对老年人的大脑产生影响。

    Dr. Small , whose research previously found that exercise helped hippocampal function in younger people , suggested maybe more vigorous exercise is needed to affect older brains .

  3. 克莱格.斯莫尔伍德是美国一位残疾退伍军人,五年中有20000个小时都泡在网上,沉浸在一个叫做“天堂II”的线上角色扮演游戏中。

    CRAIG SMALLWOOD , a disabled American war veteran , spent more than 20000 hours over five years playing an online role-playing game called " Lineage II . "

  4. 派对上有很多模特(琼·斯莫尔[JoanSmalls]、卡莉·克洛斯[KarlieKloss]、吉吉·哈迪德[GigiHadid])和设计师,包括CalvinKlein的创意总监弗朗西斯科·科斯塔(FranciscoCosta)和希尔费格。

    There were models galore ( Joan Smalls , Karlie Kloss , Gigi Hadid ) and designers , including the Calvin Klein creative director , Francisco Costa , and Mr. Hilfiger .

  5. 我是在流星雨的时候来到斯莫尔的。

    I came to Smallville in a meteor shower .

  6. “中国正与那些在过去打起交道来不那麽舒服的组织展开接触,”斯莫尔表示。

    " The Chinese are dealing with groups that in the past they would have been uncomfortable dealing with ," he says .

  7. 那数字一脱口而出,弗吉尼亚州诺福克市斯莫尔伍德小学的全班同学就开始大笑。

    As soon as the number left my mouth , the whole class at Smallwood Elementary School in Norfolk , Virginia , started laughing .

  8. 至于黄烷醇为什么可以帮助提高记忆力,一种理论是说它们能够促进脑部的血液流动,另一种是说它们能够促进树突,也就是神经元信息接收分支的生长。斯莫尔博士支持后者。

    As for why flavanols would help memory , one theory is that they improve brain blood flow ; another , favored by Dr. Small , is that they cause dendrites , message-receiving branches of neurons , to grow .