
  • 网络Spa Francorchamps circuit;Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps;Circuit of Spa Francorchamps
  1. 比利时大奖赛的斯帕赛道上举行的,为数不多的世界上哪一个司机都喜欢比赛。

    The Belgian Grand Prix is held on the Spa-Francorchamps circuit , one of the few in the world which EVERY driver loves to race at .

  2. 你认为在斯帕赛道第一个弯角中,迈凯轮车队两位车手之间发生的事情,是不是世界冠军争夺的重要因素?

    Q.do you think what happened between the two McLaren drivers at the first corner at Spa could prove to be an important factor in the world championship ?

  3. 斯帕是所有赛道中最好的,希望我们的赛车能如我们所愿。

    Spa is the best of all the circuits and hopefully we can finally get the car working to the way I want it to work .

  4. 费尔南多-阿隆索:是的,这条赛道有一部分很像诸如斯帕这样的经典赛道。

    Fa : yes , and parts of it are like a classic circuit such as spa .