
  • 网络Stavanger;Sola;SVG;Stavenger
  1. 斯塔万格旅游者协会CEO普雷本·法尔克提醒人们在攀登布道台时要万分小心。

    Preben Falck , CEO of the Stavanger Tourist Association , encouraged people to use extreme caution when they hike up to Pulpit Rock .

  2. 确实,这个公司不放过任何展示自己艺术收藏的机会:不论是离岸井上,还是其在休斯顿亦或是斯塔万格(Stavanger)的办公室大楼,都挂有艺术品。

    Indeed , the company seizes every opportunity to showcase its collection : hanging work in its offshore rigs and throughout its office buildings from Houston to Stavanger .

  3. 现居挪威西海岸的斯塔万格。

    She now lives in Stavanger at the west coast of Norway .

  4. 今年看到这句歌词的人数量之众将会创历史新高,因为利物浦和挪威的斯塔万格同获“2008年欧洲文化之都”的称号。

    More people than ever will see those words this year , because Liverpool is the2008 European Capital of Culture , a title it shares with the Norwegian city of Stavanger .