
  • 网络skelton
  1. 他对斯克尔顿点点头,不再说什么客套话就走了。

    He nodded to Skelton and without further ceremony left him .

  2. 孔对他说了真话以后,斯克尔顿的心都凉了。

    Skelton 's heart sank when Kong told him the truth .

  3. 斯克尔顿要是采取不容辩驳的坚定态度,也许还有办法。

    Skelton had no strength to take the determined attitude that might availed him .

  4. 斯克尔顿累得没劲再争论了。

    Skelton was too tired to argue further .

  5. 晚上停船的时候,斯克尔顿已经病得不能上岸了,便留在船上过夜。

    Skelton was too ill to be taken ashore when they tied up for the night and so passed it in the ship .

  6. 第二天一早,斯克尔顿拿着烟斗和书,坐在房间外面的游廊上乘凉。它说,在野外进行乘凉各民族和十字军东征前流亡。

    Early next morning , to enjoy the cool of the day , Skelton , with his pipe and a book , was sitting on the veranda outside his room .