
  • 网络understanding sociology;Verstehende Soziologie
  1. 学者们在谈论他的“理解社会学”时,多从新康德主义学派那里寻找其思想渊源。

    Scholars strongly incline to seek the origin of his " understanding sociology " from Neo-Kantian school .

  2. 如果你正接受工程师的训练,却无法理解社会学角度的观点,那就很吓人。

    Now if you 're trained as an engineer , and you can 't understand this social dimension , that 's pretty threatening .

  3. 为了能够较为准确的理解社会学的结构分析方法,本文对结构、结构化方法、结构主义的结构研究等概念进行了较多的介绍。对结构主义主要流派的观点也作了必要的说明。

    To be more precise understanding of the structure of sociological analysis , this paper makes an introduction for concepts dealing with structure such as structure , structural method and structuralism and also makes the necessary explanations for the views of major schools about structure .

  4. 把握西方社会学思想发展的基本线索,是深刻理解西方社会学乃至整个社会学本质的前提。

    Grasping the basic clue of Western Sociological Thoughts'development is the prerequisite for understanding the essence of Western Sociology and even the whole sociology profoundly .

  5. 本文通过对布迪厄的重要概念信念(Doxa)在实践感、场域分析和符号权力三个面向上的整理,提供一种理解其作品社会学品质的路向。

    So the paper tries to comprehend this point through his concept of Doxa on three dimensions : practical sense , field analysis and symbolic power .

  6. 本文力求通过对迪尔凯姆文化社会学思想的全面认识和理解,揭示其社会学思想中所蕴含的象征意义以及对文化社会学学科发展的影响。

    This article does my best to reveal the symbolical significance in Durkheim 's sociological thoughts and the influence on the development of the Cultural Sociology through comprehensive understanding his cultural sociological thoughts .