
  • 网络Theoretical sociology;On Theoretical Sociology;sociological theory
  1. 现代性的反叛与理论社会学的前景

    The Rebellion of Modernity and the Future of Theoretical Sociology

  2. 正是这一来自实践的理路,使理论社会学拥有了一个赢得未来的起点。

    In a word , it is this practice that has gained theoretical sociology a pivot for a brighter future .

  3. 于是,如何型塑具有时代精神的精英和社会财富的继承者,托起我们民族的生存和希望,也就再次成为理论社会学与时代和实践的一个交汇点。

    Therefore , how to mold elites with era spirit and inheritors of social wealth , and supporting our national survival and hopes are the intercrossing points of theoretical sociology with era and practice .

  4. 波普尔科学客观性理论的社会学转向

    On the Sociological Turn in Popper 's Theory about Objectivity in Science

  5. 建构命题化的理论是社会学研究科学化的必然要求。

    Instituting the propositional theory is necessary for a scientific study of sociology .

  6. 主要包括食品安全监管的经济学理论、社会学理论和法学理论。

    Most food safety monitoring of economic theory , sociological theory and legal theory .

  7. 法律社会学从诞生时就受到社会学理论和社会学研究方法的巨大影响。

    Sociology of Law was greatly influenced by sociological theory and research methods from its birth .

  8. 本文认为,米德的成就是通过自我理论的社会学转向而取得的。

    This thesis points out that Mead 's achievement is realized by his self-theory 's sociological turn .

  9. 结构化理论是社会学中揭示个人行为与社会系统互动关系的重要理论之一。

    Structural theory is one of the sociological theories revealing the interrelationship between individual behaviour and social system .

  10. 论文从农户借贷的角度,阐述了农村金融、农户借贷行为理论以及社会学理论。

    The theory of rural financial 、 borrowing behavior and social theory were explained from rural households borrowing aspect .

  11. 城市复合生态系统的提出为生态学理论向社会学、城市规划学等学科渗透架起了一座桥梁。

    The bring-upping of urban complex ecosystem has built a bridge for the infiltration from ecology theories to sociology and urban planning .

  12. 理性行动理论是社会学中一种极富解释力的理论体系。

    The rational action theory ( the rational choice theory ) is a kind of theoretical system with great explaining power in sociology .

  13. 文学场理论从社会学角度展开文学研究,尤其关注文学创作的社会环境。

    The theory of literary field introduces an approach of literature study from a sociological angle , focusing on the social environment surrounding literature .

  14. 人们为了构建关于自然现象的普遍知识体系,一种有关人与人之间相互交往的理论随着社会学的产生而出现了。

    With the rise of sociology came a theory of how people interact in order to construct their common sense knowledge of natural phenomena .

  15. 对西方天主教伦理观的研究属于跨学科的文化研究范围,它立足于历史研究,同时需要引进现代哲学理论、社会学的比较分析方法,以及民族学和人类学的研究成果来丰富自身的论证。

    Based on historical research , it need bring in modern philosophical theory and research production of ethnology and anthropology to enrich its own argumentation .

  16. 这种影响主要体现在这一理论在社会学的社会分层理论以及经济学的现代企业理论、产业组织理论等理论中的运用与发展。

    This influence mainly incarnates in its exertion and development in social classification theory of sociology , modern firm theory of economics , and industrial organization theory .

  17. 同时,它也是一种社会活动,因此同时运用经济学理论与社会学理论去展开创业研究是一种相对系统的研究方式。

    At the same time , it is a social activity . And so it is a relatively systematic research method that we apply economic theory and sociological theory to entrepreneurship research .

  18. 20世纪90年代以来,国内外教育理论在社会学迅猛发展的冲击下,逐渐形成了新的教育理念的革命。

    Since 1990s , the education theories in domestic and overseas have changed so much and formed the " revolution " of new education concept gradually due to the impact of the rapidly developed sociology .

  19. 近年来,社会资本概念和理论成为社会学研究中的热门话题,也成为经济学、政治学等诸多学科理论分析的重要视角。

    In recent years , the concept of social capital in sociological research is becoming a hot topic , and it also becomes an important theoretical analysis perspective in economics , political science , and many other discipline theories .

  20. 符号互动论、常人方法学、后现代理论等社会学流派都从生活的不同角度重构了行动论,为生活理论走入社会学奠定了基础。其次,深入分析生活方式研究对社会学的建构功能。

    Symbolic interactionism , Ethnomethodology and Post-modernist re-construct theories in all have a different idea in their own angle , which establishes an excellent base for life theory entering Sociology . Secondly , have a deep research down to the constructible function of life theory .

  21. 依据传播学中两级传播理论与社会学中的社会化理论对性越轨行为的产生进行分析,从社会控制的角度提出了加强青少年网络性越轨控制的措施。

    This essay , by applying the Bipolar Diffusionism theory of Journalism and the Socialization theory of Sociology to analyze the causes of the sex aberration , puts forwards ways and measures to enhance the control of adolescent sex aberration from the social control perspective .

  22. 并结合社会性别理论,社会学,传播学理论找出了成都市女性科学素养整体偏低的原因,并就如何提高女性科学素养进而提高成都市公众科学素养尝试给出有效的建议。

    And integrating gender theory , sociology , communications theory to identify the overall reasons for the low of the scientific literacy in Chengdu women and trying to give an effective proposal on how to improve the scientific literacy of women in Chengdu in further improve the public scientific accomplishment .

  23. 活法理论是法律社会学的方法。

    The theory of " living law " is the method of legal sociology .

  24. 派克的理论对中国社会学、人类学的发展意义重大。

    Park 's theories were of great significance for the development of Chinese sociology and anthropology .

  25. 接下来讨论了对慈善组织进行监督的法律理论基础和社会学理论基础。

    Then discuss the law theoretical foundation and sociology theoretical foundation of legal supervision over charity organization .

  26. 论述了功能主义理论在体育社会学研究、宏观体育社会学和微观体育社会学中的应用。

    This paper studies the application of functionalist theory in sports sociology from micro to macro perspective .

  27. 理论分析从社会学角度展开,以社会化理论和家庭理论就父母冲突对未成年人人格健康发展的不良影响进行理论解释。

    The former explains how parental conflicts influence minors ' personality health in view of socialization and family theories ;

  28. 批评话语分析旨在把社会理论和社会政治学的视觉溶入话语分析中。

    CDA explicitly intends to incorporate social-theoretical and social-political insights into discourse analysis and advocates social commitment in research .

  29. 总的来看,20世纪关于未成年人偏差行为有不同的理论解释。社会学理论认为,未成年人的偏差行为主要是由社会环境引起的;

    As a whole , there are different theories to explain about teenagers ' deviation behavior in the 20th century .

  30. 纵观国际关系学的发展历史,美国的现实主义受到了结构理论和历史社会学、批判理论的挑战;

    From the historical evolution of IR studies , the challenges to US realism came from structural theory , historical sociology and critical theory ;