
  • 网络Richard I;Richard I of England;King Richard
  1. “狮心王”理查一世(1157~1199)创作了与自己的宫廷乐师布隆德尔一起唱的歌曲。

    Richard I ( 1157-1199 ), the'Lion-heart ' , composed songs that he sang with his minstrel , Blondel .

  2. 理查一世在第三次十字军中扮演主角、成就卓著。

    Richard I played a leading role on the crusade ; the Third Crusade was very much his crusade .

  3. 不过罗宾汉站在理查一世那边

    Robin Hood was on King Richard 's side , though .

  4. 后来理查一世为了扩大王室收入出卖了许多城市的自治权,因此自治市在这一时期获得了较大发展。

    After that , Richard I sold many boroughs ' autonomy to increase royal income so that boroughs developed greatly .

  5. 故事里的理查一世化装后加入罗宾汉一伙,俟机逮捕罗宾汉。

    In many stories , the king disguised himself and joined the Merry Men , in order to capture Robin .

  6. 虽然罗宾汉与地主、教士和贪官为敌并劫掠他们的钱财,但对国王理查一世却怀有敬意。

    Although Robin fought and robbed landowners , church leaders and government officials , he and his band respected the ruling king , Richard Ⅰ .