
  • 网络Wiener Philharmoniker;Vienna Philharmonic;VPO;The Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra
  1. 维也纳爱乐乐团已经表明其致力于卫生事业的决心。

    The Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra has already demonstrated its dedication to health .

  2. 2005年5月16日日内瓦-世界卫生组织(世卫组织)总干事李钟郁博士今天任命维也纳爱乐乐团为世卫组织亲善大使。

    May2005 | Geneva-World Health Organization ( WHO ) Director-General , Dr LEE Jong-wook today appointed the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra as WHO Goodwill Ambassador .

  3. 节奏更快,更令人兴奋的比玻姆的1970年与维也纳爱乐乐团(DG)的改造。

    Tempos are faster and more exciting than in Bohm's1970 remake with the Vienna Philharmonic ( DG ) .

  4. 在马尔他,朗朗将与维也纳爱乐乐团一同上演一场室内乐演出。

    In Malta Lang Lang plays a chamber concert with members of the Vienna Philharmonic .

  5. 我愿感谢维也纳爱乐乐团今天上午成为我们的亲善大使。

    I would like to thank the Vienna Philharmonic for becoming our goodwill ambassador this morning .

  6. 在被任命为世卫组织亲善大使之前,维也纳爱乐乐团四重奏组以音乐传递信息并在开幕式上演奏。

    A quartet from the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra spoke with music , and played in the opening ceremony before being appointed as WHO Goodwill Ambassador .

  7. 但没过几个小时,这位被萨洛宁评价为文雅,勤奋和乐观的年青人又展现出了截然不同的风格:听起来就像维也纳爱乐乐团。

    But after a few hours with Mr Dudamel , whose rehearsal style she describes as " polite , productive and upbeat ", the ensemble began to sound more like the Vienna Philharmonic .

  8. 时隔两年,维也纳爱乐乐团再度邀请他来指挥维也纳新年音乐会,这不但说明他的艺术生涯是常青的,更是维也纳爱乐乐团对他的艺术造诣的肯定。

    After two years , the Vienna philharmonic again invite him to command the New Year concert , which not only shows his career is evergreen , but the Vienna philharmonic in his artistic attainments .

  9. 虽然柏林爱乐“小夜曲”可能不健全作为玻姆的1976年维也纳爱乐乐团录制(危险品在几个不同的再版,为好),这是非常好的,和深情。

    While the Berlin Philharmonic " Eine Kleine Nachtmusik " might not sound as good as Bohm's1976 Vienna Philharmonic recording ( DG , in several different reissues ), it is very good , and affectionate .

  10. 柏林或维也纳爱乐乐团的演出可能在某个晚上确实不那么优秀,但在美国或日本音乐爱好者的眼中,品牌才是重要的。

    The Berlin or Vienna performances may not actually be as good on a given night , but in the eye and ear of the music lover in the US or Japan , the brand name is what counts .

  11. 塞尔金先生近期和未来在欧洲的演出包括与维也纳以及柏林爱乐乐团、德国交响乐团和班贝格交响乐团的合作。

    His recent and upcoming engagements in Europe include appearances with the Vienna and Berlin Philharmonics , Deutsches Symphony Orchestra and the Bamberg Symphony .