
  • 网络Harvest Festival;Pongal;Vaisakhi;Harvest Day
  1. 很多游客和当地居民一起欢庆一年一度的丰收节。

    Many tourists have joined the local residents ' celebrations of the annual harvest festival .

  2. 2018年,中国举办首届农民丰收节。

    China launched its first harvest festival for its farmers in 2018 .

  3. 1863年亚伯拉罕·林肯总统宣布感恩节为全国假日。许多美国人都认为这是美国独有的节日。其实加拿大也庆祝它,许多其他国家也都有自己的丰收节。NativeAmerican印第安人

    Thanksgiving was proclaimed a national holiday by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863.Many Americans consider this to be only an American holiday although it is also celebrated in Canada and harvest festivals are held throughout the world .

  4. 回顾历史,许多农耕文化都有庆祝丰收节的传统。

    Throughout history , many agrarian cultures have celebrated end-of-harvest festivals .

  5. 我迫不及待地想参加返乡会,尤其是丰收节。

    I can 't wait for homecoming games and especially the harvest festivals .

  6. 在罗马帝国,万圣节更接近丰收节。

    Under the Romans , the holiday more closely came to resemble a harvest festival .

  7. 公元前55年,罗马人入侵英国后,也把丰收节带到了英国。

    The celebration of harvest was introduced by the Romans when they invaded England in55bc .

  8. 1621年,普利茅斯殖民地的居民和当地印第安人一起庆祝丰收节,后来这一天被公认为感恩节的开始。这次丰收节也成为了英国殖民者和本地美洲人之间合作和互动的象征。

    This harvest meal has become a symbol of cooperation and interaction between English colonists and Native Americans .

  9. 多年来丰收节的意义可能已经变化,但这个节日依然在全世界流行。

    Though their meanings may have changed over the years , harvest festivals are still popular all over the world .

  10. 对了,前几天是英国的丰收节,同时是我们的中秋节哦!

    By the way , it was Harvest festival in the UK a couple of days ago . Same time as moon festival here !

  11. 在南部,人们在经过了漫长而艰难的冬天之后,用第一次收获的粮食来作为庆祝丰收节的标志。

    Celebrated in the south , it is marked by the cooking of the rice from the first harvest after the long and arduous winter .

  12. 许多美国人都认为这是美国独有的节日。其实加拿大也庆祝它,许多其他国家也都有自己的丰收节。

    Many Americeans consider this to be only an American holiday although it is also celebrated in Canada and harvest festivals are held throughout the world .

  13. 农民丰收节定于每年的秋分时节,这是中国(农历的)二十四节气之一,也是我国农业丰收的季节。

    It falls every year on the autumnal equinox , one of the 24 solar terms of the Chinese calendar , during the country 's agricultural harvest season .

  14. 说法一:1621年,普利茅斯殖民地的居民和当地印第安人一起庆祝的丰收节,而后转变成现在的感恩节。

    In 1621 , the Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians shared an autumn harvest feast which is acknowledged today as one of the first Thanksgiving celebrations in the colonies .