- high flow year

It is demonstrated that in high flow year and normal year , the northward water transfer has no significant influence on the water resources in estuary area ;
In an abundant precipitation year , the grassland 's dry substance yield averaged 2.65 kg / ( hm ~ 2 · mm );
The analysis shows that in the year with surface water resource more than 35 × 109m3 , the grain yield decreases , because there is a lot of water logged lowland in Tianjin ;
The large differences on soil water between deep-root and shallow-root plant plots could be seen in the surface layer ( 0 ~ 30 cm ) in rainy year , but under 30 cm depth in average year .
Relation between El Nino event and wet year of Zhejiang
Study on the Trend of Wet Year and Large Flood of Zhejiang
Restoration effect of soil moisture content under woodlands in Xi'an region in wet year
Water resource for high flow years and low flow years is also discussed .
Research of soil water character below artificial forest of the heaviest rainfall year in Luochuan area of Yan'an
Secondly , the distinct increase of rainfall especially in 2002 and 2003 contributed greatly to restoration of vegetation .
In rich water year , the treatment of film mulching water 3 can get better economical and social benefit .
The variation ranges of soil water in the deep-root plant plots were wider than those of shallow-root plant plots .
The Soil Moisture Content Restoration and Consumption of the Artificial Forest and Farmland in Xi'an Area after a Rainy Year
Reconstruction of dried layer under apple tree plantation at Qujiang in Southern of Xi ′ an City with plentiful raining year
As Fengjie there was just wheat-corn-sweet potato , horsebean-corn-sweet potato and wheat-corn-soybean could be planted on smaller slope land in wet year .
In rainy year , soil water storage increased , but most infiltrated rainfall ( more than 80 % ) was consumed by intensive evapotranspiration .
The cooperation between soil moisture and soil temperature was changed , and it correlated significantly with soil microorganism population quantities and microbial biomass in two years .
The risk is higher to surface water than to groundwater , in the rice season than in the wheat season , and in years with excessive rainfall than in those with normal rainfall .
In abundant water year after extreme precipitation the soil dryer vanishes , the soil moisture restores well , and the moisture content in the original dryer is obviously higher than the upside and lower part .
In the flat farmland , sweet potatoes , corn and soybeans were appropriate to plant in wet and average year , wheat and rape could be chosen in dry year as a few suitable crops in Fengjie .
It shows that tidal estuary could get equilibrium by the auto-adjust function including long-period sediment erosion / deposition and deformation of riverbed in order to correspond to the runoff change between continuous high flow years and low flow years .
The results showed that : ( 1 ) Yield increasing effects of nitrogen , phosphorous , potassium and organic fertilizers are significantly decreased under extremely dry condition . The decreasing rate can reach up to 57 . 4 % .
The proportion of the two pollution loads in the basin is more or less the same , point source is slightly heavier in a dry year and the proportion of non-point source pollution is greater in a wet year .
It is shown that dried layer of soil has developed in this area . The result shows that the moisture content of 2 ~ 4 m under the ground is more than 23 % , far higher than that of the normal annual .
The concentration of nitrate in high water season in wet years is highest , in mean year take the second place , and in dry year is lowest .
It is obvious that forest can conserve water resource and soil , especially can adjust the flux in the season or year of water-in-abundance and water-in-deficient , and decrease flooding and soil eroding .