
  • 网络Fengxian County;Feng County
  1. 丰县地区无公害农产品生产适合性调查研究西南丘陵山区农村居民点整理耕地潜力估算&以丰都县为例

    Investigation on the Aptness for the Production of Free-damaged Agricultural Products in the Feng County ; The Farmland Potential Calculation in the Land Consolidation of Rural Habitat in Hilly and Mountainous Region & A case study of Fengdu County

  2. 丰县是全国重要的特种蔬菜生产基地。

    Fengxian County is the important plantation base of special vegetables in China .

  3. 新丰县位于广东省中部偏北。

    New Fengxian is located in Guangdong Province , in central north .

  4. 新丰县历史悠久,源远流长。

    New Fengxian has a long history , has a long history .

  5. 应用集对分析法评价丰县地下水水质

    Taking Set Pair Analysis Method to Evaluate groundwater quality evaluation in Fengxian County

  6. 徐州地区丰县、沛县本地电话网改造方案简介

    Discussion on the Networking and Construction Solution of Local Telephone Network in Xuzhou Region

  7. 简易电视转播车在丰县电视台的打造

    Buying a Car The Construction of Simple Relay Vehicle in Fengxian TV Station The History Of Television

  8. 江苏丰县县城规划区深层孔隙水开采动态及水位预测

    Dynamic Status and Water Table Prediction of Deep Pore Water in Fengxian Planned Urban Area , Jiangsu

  9. 元素点异常概率统计在新疆和丰县地区地质地球化学研究中的应用

    Application of probability analysis of point anomalies to geochemical investigations in the area of Hefeng county , Xinjiang

  10. 本文以江苏省丰县实地调查数据为基础,实证的研究了影响农业标准化推广的障碍因素。

    Based on the data of Fengxian county , the research of evidence researches into the hindering factors .

  11. 丰县黄泛区盐碱土的形成过程与改良措施

    The Development Processes and Improvement Measures of Salt and Alkali Soils in the Flooding Area of Yellow River in Fengxian County

  12. 西准噶尔萨吾尔地区地处新疆阿勒泰地区吉木乃县及塔城地区和丰县。

    Sawuer region is located in west Junggar , Jimunai County of Altay district and Hefeng county of Tacheng district , Xinjiang province .

  13. 丰县地处黄河故道地区,以沙质土壤为主,适宜多种果品生长。

    Fengxian County is located in the Ancient Canal Region of Yellow River , the soil of which is mainly sandy , quite suitable for the growth of various fruits .

  14. 康达丰县污水处理厂针对丰县污水水质、水量特点,结合其近远期发展规划,设计采用了奥贝尔氧化沟处理工艺。

    Based on the characteristics and quality of sewage of fengxian county and the development program of small and long term , Kangda Fengxian county adopts the orbal oxidation ditch process .

  15. 小城镇规划中生态理念的实现&以江苏省丰县大沙河镇总体规划为例小城镇建设要科学规划,合理布局,注意节约用地和保护生态环境。

    Realization of Ecological Concept in the Planning of Small Towns ; In developing small towns , we must make scientific plans , aim for rational distribution , ensure the economical use of land and work to protect the ecological environment .

  16. 结合江苏丰县荟苑小区建设所应用新技术,提高工程质量实际经验,重点阐述了影响住宅观感质量的外墙粉刷、室内装饰等改进工艺,以及主要质量通病的防治措施。

    With reference to the project practice in the construction of HuiYuan Residential Estate of applying new technologies , this paper expounds on the innovations made to outer painting and interior decoration , and provides preventative measures to keep off some common quality defects .