
  • 网络Vienna New Year's Concert;New Year's Concert;Vienna New Years Concert
  1. 阿美:另外,谈到古典音乐,我们就不能不提维也纳新年音乐会。

    May : Besides , speaking of classical music , we should never forget about the New Year 's Concert .

  2. 2010年是他第二次登台维也纳新年音乐会。

    By2010 , the second stage is the New Year concert .

  3. 我每年通过电视收听维也纳新年音乐会。

    I listen to the Vienna New Year concert on TV every year .

  4. 在2008年,他带来的那场维也纳新年音乐会让我们看到了施特劳斯家族的许多富有异国情调的作品。

    In2008 , he brought the Vienna New Year concert let us see the strauss family of many exotic works .

  5. 维也纳新年音乐会将是最终检验他是否被真正接受的试金石。

    The New Year 's day concert will be the ultimate test of how far it has taken him to its heart .

  6. 以维也纳新年音乐会成功直播为例,提出具有深厚文化功底和良好音乐素养的电视编导是其成功的重要原因。

    Taking the successful live performance of the New Year Concert of Vienna as the example , the paper points out the important reason of its success : it has directors with deep cultural grounding and good music accomplishment .

  7. 电视让维也纳新年音乐会走向世界,它已经成为与观众和听从最成功的沟通方式,从你的角度看,你认为乐团的作用和电视创作之间有什么关系?

    Television makes the concert in the Golden Hall worldwide and it becomes the most successful communication among the viewers and listeners . From your own perspective , how do you consider the relationship between the role of the concert and TV planning ?

  8. 时隔两年,维也纳爱乐乐团再度邀请他来指挥维也纳新年音乐会,这不但说明他的艺术生涯是常青的,更是维也纳爱乐乐团对他的艺术造诣的肯定。

    After two years , the Vienna philharmonic again invite him to command the New Year concert , which not only shows his career is evergreen , but the Vienna philharmonic in his artistic attainments .