
  • 网络Victoria;Victorian;The State of Victoria;vic;Victoria state
  1. 2009年和2013年,当澳大利亚维多利亚州、新南威尔士州等地遭受严重山林火灾时,中方迅速向澳方提供火场卫星数据,向救灾行动施以援手。

    In 2009 and 2013 when Victoria and New South Wales of Australia were hit by severe bush fires , the Chinese side lent a helping13 hand by providing prompt satellite data about the fires .

  2. 以维多利亚州首府墨尔本和桑街桥为背景,一艘四人无舵手艇在静静的耶那河上划行。

    Melbourne , capital of Victoria , forms a backdrop , with the San Street Bridge , for a coxless four rowing on the tranquil Yarra River .

  3. 最高的山峰是GreatDividing山脉的一部分,它分开了东海岸与南部的维多利亚州。

    The highest mountains are part of the Great Dividing Range that line the east coast from Cape York Peninsula south to the state of Victoria .

  4. 离开澳洲之前,我到南部维多利亚州的EASTGIPPLANDSHIRE朋友家呆了一个星期。

    Before I left Australia , I went to stay with friends in East Gippsland Shire in Victoria for a week .

  5. SDI公司所有产品均出产于澳大利亚东南部的维多利亚州。

    All the products of the company are SDI production in southeastern Australia of Victoria .

  6. 澳大利亚维多利亚州的体育部长约翰·艾伦(JohnEren)说,他的国家明天就可以举办世界杯。

    The sports minister of the Australian state of Victoria , John Eren , said his country could host the World Cup tomorrow .

  7. 维多利亚州总理JohnBrumby称这次大火是该地区遭受的最大的火灾。

    The Victorian state Premier , John Brumby , says the fires are the worst the region has ever endured .

  8. 澳大利亚维多利亚州的体育部长约翰·艾伦(JohnEren)说,他的国家“明天”就可以举办世界杯。

    The sports minister of the Australian state of Victoria , John Eren , said his country could host the World Cup " tomorrow . "

  9. 澳大利亚反对党工党(Laborparty)正承诺争取在7月2日大选前削减对购房出租者的税额减免,维多利亚州则在去年首次推出针对外国购房者的印花税后仅过了一年就上调了该税率。

    The opposition Labor party is promising to cut tax breaks for buy-to-let investors ahead of a July 2 election , while Victoria 's stamp duty increase for foreign buyers comes just a year after it introduced the tax for the first time .

  10. 维多利亚州是澳大利亚重要的林业省份之一,在其2000多万hm2白土地上,公有土地为910万hm2,森林覆盖率高达80%。

    Abstract Victoria is one of the important forestry regions in Australia . The total area of Victoria State is over 20 million hm2 , in which public land is 9.1 million hm2 . The forest cover rate is as high as 80 % .

  11. 维多利亚州以气候多样性和地域多样性而闻名。

    Victoria is renowned for its diversity of climates and regions .

  12. 繁华的维多利亚州首府墨尔本。

    Melbourne , capital of victoria , is a gracious city .

  13. 那是我在维多利亚州最喜欢的小镇。

    I think this is my favourite small town in Victoria .

  14. 维多利亚州首府墨尔本坐落在菲利普湾港上。

    Melbourne , capital of Victoria , stands on Port Phillip Bay .

  15. 维多利亚州不支持把回收水用来饮用。

    The Victorian Government does not support using recycled water for drinking .

  16. 近日,维多利亚州发现了一块重量超过四公斤的金块。

    A gold nugget weighing more than four kilograms has been found in Victoria .

  17. 澳大利亚维多利亚州发生地震,建筑物严重受损。

    An earthquake has struck the Australian state of Victoria causing significant damage to buildings .

  18. 借鉴澳大利亚维多利亚州卫生服务委员会的经验完善我国医院投诉系统

    Learning Healthcare Service Committee in Victoria , Australia and developing hospital complaint system in China

  19. 维多利亚州多元文化部部长罗宾·斯科特此前一直主张这一举措。

    Victoria 's Minister for Multicultural Affairs , Robin Scott , has championed the initiative .

  20. 维多利亚州首府墨尔本建在耶那河上。

    Melbourne , catital of victoria , is built on the shores of the Yarra river .

  21. 他说道,维多利亚州仅通过修改传票上的措词这一项改革就节省了四十万澳元。

    He said Victoria saved $ 400,000 by merely changing the wording on a summons form .

  22. 维多利亚州首府墨尔本是建立在耶那河畔的一座美丽城市。

    Melbourne , capital of Victoria , is a beautiful city built beside the River Yarra .

  23. 再往上游方向,维多利亚州和新南威尔士州则希望通过建设水坝来促进农业发展。

    Further upstream , Victoria and New South Wales wanted to build dams to encourage agriculture .

  24. 中纺和伯格在澳大利亚维多利亚州合资经营批发纺织品业务。

    That ChinaTex and Bunge enter into a wholesale textiles joint venture in the State of Victoria .

  25. ←维多利亚州首府墨尔本有世界最大的有轨电车网。

    Melbourne , capital of Victoria , has one of the largest tram networks in the world .

  26. 而维多利亚州警方的女发言人克蕾娜·奥格雷迪则指出,窃贼们偷走那些动物的目的可能是要将它们出售给相关收藏者。

    Victoria police spokeswoman Creina O'Grady the thieves may have stolen the animals to sell to collectors .

  27. 维多利亚州的首府和澳大利亚第二大城市;是一个金融和贸易中心。

    The capital of Victoria state and 2nd largest Australian city ; a financial and commercial center .

  28. 我们相信没有比维多利亚州更好或更合适举办此活动的地方了。

    We believe that there is no better or appropriate place to host this event than Victoria .

  29. 维多利亚州周三报告了295例新增病例和9例死亡病例,其中7例与养老院有关。

    Victoria reported 295 new cases on Wednesday and nine deaths , including seven in aged care .

  30. 那些统计数字令人心惊肉跳:狂欢饮酒正在威胁着无数维多利亚州年轻人的生命和健康。

    THE statistics are frightening : binge drinking is threatening the lives and health of countless young Victorians .