
  • 网络visual;visual materials
  1. 他用醒目的视觉资料解释他的观点。

    He used striking visuals to get his point across .

  2. 她几十年仔细观察的结果是对欧洲屁虫的详细描绘,其次是昆虫和动物的非传统视觉资料和故事,而这些昆虫和动物来自当时大多数人只能想象的地方。

    The results of her decades ' worth of careful observations were detailed paintings and descriptions of European insects , followed by unconventional visuals and stories of insects and animals from a land that most at the time could only imagine .

  3. 往日难得一见的各种图像,经过漫长的岁月如今已经变为公共的视觉资料财富。

    Past a rare variety of images , after long years has now become a public image of wealth .

  4. 首先,论文通过国内外关于城市视觉符号设计资料的搜集、分析与总结,从相关概念的解读展开研究。

    Firstly , through the city visual symbols at home and abroad on urban design data collection , analysis and summary of relevant concepts from the reading of a study .